Page 63 of Daddy Issues 2

We seem to have everything we want right here with each other and our life.

“Well, if you keep buying presents like you have, we may need the money. I looked in the storage room. You are going overboard this year.”

“I know.” I nod, admiring her curves and feeling my cock twitch. “It’s just, with us officially off the baby making circuit, I’m feeling it more. And you know I love Christmas here. I love seeing the magic in their eyes.”

“You are the best husband and father I could have ever hoped for, Daddy.”

“And you are the best babygirl a Daddy could ever dream of.”

What she doesn’t know is, I have the best present coming for her. We lost Romper and Geisha last year, a few days apart. It was horrible. Somehow they got into an old bag of fertilizer in a shed. They pushed open the door and made a huge mess and we didn’t realize what had happened until it was too late.

Ginger sobbed for days and the kids—God, the kids—I thought they would never stop crying.

We had a little service and I buried them in the meadow, where we have buried other pets over the years, and planted an orchid garden over where they lay.

It took Ginger a month to stop going out there everyday and coming back red eyed and pale.

I have eight miniature donkey babies coming on Christmas morning. One named for each of our children. I have a new pasture and stables being built as well. I told Ginger it was just for the animals we already have. But on Christmas morning, when we all take our walk like we do after breakfast everyday, they will all see the real reason for the changes.

I look over to see Elliot sucking his bottle and his little eyes drooping closed.

“Let me take him.” I step to her and extend my arms, taking his warm little body and pulling it against me. “Nap time for this little man.”

“Thank you.” Ginger smiles and she still nearly stops my heart every time she does.

Waking up next to her every day, I know I am the luckiest man alive. The universe, or fate, or whatever you want to call it, put her in my path that day at the greenhouse and changed me into the man I should have been.

“No, thank you.” I lean over and slip a hand behind her neck, pressing my lips to the top of her head. “Meet me upstairs in ten minutes. My cock needs you.”

“Yes, Daddybear.”

In all these years, she’s never broken my rule. She’s never denied me when I’ve reached for her, and I sure have never denied her. We are as needy for one another as ever but it’s so much more.

I laugh more with her than I thought possible. We just fucking love being with each other, whether it’s doing things with the kids, playing rough with each other, doing projects or sitting quietly after everyone else is in bed…everything is just better with her.

I have another surprise for her coming just after Christmas, too. Seems after we left, George hired Sarah as well as Contessa. Now? George and Sarah are married, a baby on the way and Contessa is still their housekeeper and soon to be nanny.

I decided it was safe enough after all this time and got in contact with George. He’s out of the life too, gone straight like me. They are all coming for a visit just after the holiday and it will be another Christmas morning surprise for Ginger when I tell her.

“See you upstairs, my love.”

“Anything in particular you’d like me to wear?” She asks on a seductive smile.

“That new babydoll nightgown I bought you. And I want pigtails and ruffled socks. Be on your knees, Daddy’s cock needs your mouth first. Be ready like a goodgirl.”

With that I’m down the hall, listening as she races up the stairs to do as I ask.

Like I said, I’m the fucking luckiest man in the world.


The Rules

The rules for Babybear:

#1 Never say ‘no’ to Daddy.

#2 Never lie to Daddy.

#3 Goodgirls say please when they ask to cum. And you will always ask to cum.

#4 You will not talk badly about yourself. You belong to me and will show yourself the respect you deserve as my babygirl.

#5 You will address me as Daddy, Daddybear or Sir.

#6 Daddy is the boss. You have a voice, but the final word is His.

#7 Get permission before eating or drinking anything that is unhealthy.

#8 When Daddy raises his finger, it’s time to stop talking and listen.

#9 Worship Daddy’s cock. Worship Daddy.

#10 Keep yourself smooth and clean as this is Daddy’s preference.

#11 Always be ready for Daddy to have you at his pleasure. All of you, all of your holes, belong to Daddy.

#12 Remember, when you dress, that Daddy enjoys looking at you. Dress to please Him. Ask each day if you are to wear panties or not.