Adam pumped his hips, holding me in place as he took over the pace, and pleasure began to rip through me as he clutched at my body and thrust every thick inch deep into my slick channel.
“Oh my god…” I moaned, gripping his neck, his fingers reaching behind me, dipping down into the dripping juices of my entrance, quickly slipping them upward, pushing on the plug, holding it deep as he plowed into me with that massive cock, pulling my body down tighter against him, giving his finger easier access to where the plug was secured inside me.
“Relax, babygirl, you’re going to cum so hard…”
His words sent me almost to the edge of oblivion, but the pressure of the plug inside my tight back entrance gripped at my deepest, darkest recesses of pleasure. He bulldozed upward. Stretching me to my limits. He pinched the end of the plug, pulled it out until two ridges popped through the tight ring of muscle, then popped it back inside. In and out, in and out as the muscles and nerves began to understand the level of pleasure he was introducing to this new part of my body.
Faster, slower, faster, then fucking my ass with the plug in rhythm with his cock. The sensations of double penetration forcing my eyes to roll back and the muscles of my back to spasm.
The sensations engulfed me, sending me into heights of bliss that I had never experienced. Ecstatic moans came from my mouth as he used me for his pleasure, advancing inside with every pump of his cock until everything slowed to an infinite moment of time that seemed to fold in on itself.
My body shook from the top of my head down to the curl of my toes and I completely lost control, jerking and spasming in the deepest, full-body ecstasy I had ever experienced. Adam pumped the ribbed object in my tight asshole, bringing forth wave after wave of deep climax as I cried out, moaned and whimpered, wishing it to go on forever.
My body locked around Adam’s cock, the pulses and throbs of my orgasm swelling his need until the drag of his engorged cock head stretched inside of me as he bottomed out with every deep thrust.
“Fuck yes, baby girl, Daddy’s coming…Fuck.” He grunted and pulled me onto him, his face drawn as he released in a giant roar and flooded me with his liquid pleasure.
The spasms of his cock tearing at my insides as he plowed as deep as he’d ever gone, shooting every bit of his seed into my gripping canal. He sprayed his release into me, two, three, four more times, before the spasms calmed and my bliss turned to contentment and exhaustion.
“That was amazing.” I breathed into his ear as I kissed his neck, my tongue winding up the indent of the scar. The trickle of our combined juices flowed from my body down onto us both.
Adam slipped the bumpy plug out of my ass and I hissed at the sensation of the foreign object leaving my body. It was so strange how much closer we had become in the last few days. In one moment, I felt him slipping away and the next, we were connected so deeply, so intricately, I could never imagine our undoing.
“You took a hard-pounding, baby girl. Daddy’s cock is done. I’m done. I need to sleep. Come on, shower, bottle and bed.”
He washed me like a China doll, making sure to gently caress my body as the warm water flooded over our bodies. Adam barely spoke as he laid me in bed. Coming back with a warm bottle and a copy of Alice in Wonderland.
I snuggled against his hard chest, listening to the thump of his heartbeat in his chest as he cradled me with one arm, holding my bottle as I sucked and listened to him read. His low, melodic, deep voice got softer and softer until we both fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.
Waking the next morning in each other’s arms, my empty bottle forgotten on the floor.
We took that trip to Barbados, it had to wait a couple months because I had to be prepared for the bar exam. Adam waited, supporting me through sleepless nights of studying and crying fits of doubt.
But, after all of it, I took my test and passed. I officially became a licensed attorney. I left the firm where I interned for a smaller firm that specialized in representing children in divorce proceedings. It wasn’t going to pack in the bank, but it felt right.
We did buy that pregnancy test together the day after Adam took care of Ron and it was negative. I knew he was disappointed but he hugged me and said it was the trying that was important and he intended to keep me flooded with his man seed until my body was ready.