Page 169 of Daddy Issues 2

Jackson took to reading them in chronological order. He wanted to know everything about me, wanted me to hold nothing back and I never dreamed I’d allow it, but with him, it’s only made us stronger.

He knows me better than anyone ever has and loves even the dark and not-so-perfect parts of me.

“Alice wants to know when you want to do a fitting on your wedding dress. She left you a note on the counter.”

“Okay. I’ll call her later. I have that meeting today with the two guys from the production company to finalize my show ideas.”

“Good baby. I’m coming with you.”

“You don’t need to. I know you have loads of other work to do.”

“I want to be there. You can handle the meeting, I’ll just be there for moral support.”

I look up into those blue eyes that still make me shiver. “Yes, and to make sure they don’t get any ideas. Or look at me sideways. Or make any comment about me what-so-ever. You’re going to have to trust me someday Daddy.”

“I do trust you. I just don’t trust anyone else with you.”

He smiles, and my heart beats faster.

I wrap my arms around his neck, sliding fully over him.

And I know. I love this man. He makes me happy.

I know I’ve found my one and only. My love. My best friend. My Daddy.

And soon, my husband.

“I love you.” I whisper in his ear, then cry out loud when he flips me onto my back, and his mouth closes over mine and his cock is once again inside me.

“I love you too, baby. Now, Daddy needs to fuck you again, so be a good girl and be quiet. We don’t want anyone to know…”



Thirteen years later

“How many cupcakes can we make mommy?” Evangeline our youngest is turning five today and as per our tradition, the kids get to help make their birthday cakes and cupcakes with Chastity.

“As many as you want.” She answers as I roll my eyes rubbing my bigger-ever-year belly.

“Which means I’m gaining another twenty-pounds.”

I walk around and give Evie a soft swat on her behind as she stands on a stool next to her mother who gets a harder swat on her behind.

I lean into her ear. “You still feel me with you?”

She gives me a pinched smile glancing at Evie who is playing in the chocolate cake batter.

“Yes. In both places.”

“Good. I’ll be doing a very thorough inspection later.”

I’m sure my cum is still dripping out of Chastity and the new gold plug is planted in her ass. I still find joy in knowing she’s reminded of me with every step.

“You’re impossible.” She reaches over to wipe the chocolate off Evie’s hands as she sings happy birthday to me to herself. “Now get out of here. You are in charge of decorating the barn. Oh, and go check on your mother. She said she was going to take a nap then come help us bake but she’s not answering her phone.”

“She doesn’t know how. We need to get her a land line. She can’t figure out a cell phone.”

We moved here to our country house permanently six years ago and a year after, we moved my parents into a smaller place we built just for them. My father passed away the next year and fuck it hurt like hell, but I was happy we had the year together here that we did.

We still have our place in the city, but the pace of rural Connecticut suits us more these days. Our other four spawn are out shopping for presents for Evie with Chastity’s dad. He flew in yesterday and has been spoiling all the kids from the moment he hit the front door.

Turns out, Chastity’s stepsister wasn’t her Dad’s daughter after all. Her stepmother was less than loyal and it all came out about a year after all the bullshit with Joe happened.

Chastity and her father got closer and we went to visit one weekend. The stepmom was a right, royal bitch and I was having none of it when it came to how she treated Chastity. By the end of the weekend, there was a fight that raised the fucking roof and revealed some long-held secrets.

Richard, her father, was throttled by it all. The stepmom had been having affairs for years. Seems she had a thing for anonymous encounters, so she didn’t even know who her daughter’s father really was.

So, Richard divorced her ass with our encouragement. He keeps up with the daughter, because in his heart she is his and a year after the divorce, adopted her legally.

They’ve had their ups and downs, but she and Chastity have a friendship of sorts which works for me as long as no one loses their minds and everything is civil.

Joe’s charges were dropped due to his mental health status and I paid for him to get treatment for a few years. I did what I could, tried to visit him but in the end, he up and left. Didn’t want to see or hear from me or Chastity. I keep George on his tail just so I know where he is. He seems to have settled in Montana and I make sure he has money and a roof over his head.