Page 158 of Daddy Issues 2

It’s more that Daddy has filled with me so much cum since we fucked the first time, every day I wonder if his baby is already growing inside me. ‘A baby in my baby.’ As he says.

He’s cooking breakfast and I can smell the cinnamon French toast, so I better get going. I’m starving and he always feeds me at breakfast. I love that we are already growing our own sort of traditions together. We still haven’t really been out around a lot of other people so that still bothers me a bit, but he did introduce me to Alice.

She’s wonderful. So sweet and kind to me but she’s a little tough on Daddy which I secretly like. He given her some time off because he wanted us to settle in on our own but I look forward to her coming back. She reminds me a little of my mom or maybe I’m just so starved for someone motherly, I’m projecting.

Okay, gotta go Daddy is calling.


I smile as my phone rings, and I press it to my ear, lowering my voice.

I cover my mouth with my hand trying to keep anyone from hearing me. “Daddy, this is the fifth time you’re calling today, don’t you have work to do?”

“Why are you whispering baby?” When I don’t answer right away, he becomes demanding. “Answer me.”

“I didn’t want to call you Daddy so that people can hear my office door is open.”

“Baby, nobody matters but us. You believe that, don’t you? We have each other and I’ll always protect you.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Say it louder.”

“Yes…” I clear my throat, blocking out the people around me. “Yes, Daddy,” I say with confidence.

“Good. How are you feeling?”


“Does it still a hurt?”

“Not so much. I like how it feels. I want to do it again,” I whisper, and I hear him growl on the other end.

“You’re making Daddy hard, you know that? It’s not good to distract me so I can’t get any work done.”

“Tell me and I’ll be there, Daddy. Standing in front of you, bent over, spreading my legs…wide…wider….”

“Jesus, baby. Why can’t I get enough of you? What if I never do?”

“I hope you never do.”

“I want you too, baby girl, but I'm running late for meeting. I just wanted to hear your voice first. Call if you need me.”

“Of course. I’ll be here when you get back. Till then, I’ll be a good girl, I promise.”

“You’d better be. You know I’ll be checking to make sure. Be good. Make me proud.”

I love when he says that.

I hang up and smile to myself as I look back at my computer screen concentrating on the video I’m working on for the anime clothing company.

My phone rings again and I smile, thinking it will Jack again, but, I look down to see Sasha’s cell number on the phone screen.

A grin spreads across my face. So much has happened while she’s been on vacation. She’s the closest thing I have to a friend here and I hope she will be happy for me…

“Hey. How’s your vaca—”

“Hope you’re happy back stabber,” she cuts me off.

“Sorry?” I reply. “Sasha?”

“You played this perfectly. Little innocent teenager from West Virginia Nowhere.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Stop the act.”

“What is going on?”

I hear her huff.

“They said you were on vacation.” My mind is racing.

“Vacation? You liar. You didn't call to check on me, because you know you’re the one who got me fired.”

“Fired?” I hunker down lower into my desk when I notice that I now am attracting the attention of my colleagues. “What are you talking about?” I whisper into the phone. “I didn’t get you fired. You’re fired?”

“Such a liar,” she spits out.

“Sasha, I swear, I didn't know you were fired. I didn’t call because I didn't want to bother you on vacation. Hell, I was so jealous and upset you didn’t tell me that you got to go to Greece!”

“Greece? I can’t even afford my apartment anymore. You’re the one who played me. Acting like my friend. Working with me, then blaming me for stealing your ideas.”

“Whoa. What the hell are you talking about? Listen, Sasha, I don’t understand. I’m working with a different team now. I haven’t talked to anyone, so I didn’t know. I’ve been so busy. Why don't we meet somewhere? I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s going on…” My voice cracks.

She pauses on the other end. “You really didn’t know?”

“Of course not. Meet me at Leo’s.” It’s the deli slash coffee shop across the street from the office building. “Can you be there in like, an hour? Maybe I can do something to fix this.”

She agrees, still sounding suspicious of what I did and didn’t know. As I hang up, my stomach is in knots once again, wondering if my promotion was as simple as Jack said.