Page 13 of Daddy Issues 2

“Looks messy.” I draw a deep breath through my nose and shake my head. “But, nothing I can’t handle.” I manage a confident smile as I flip through the dossier, reading over my own notes of who the client is right now and the plan for the person they will become after I’ve done my job.

“You trying to convince me or you?” She reads me perfectly and it’s annoying, but it’s why we work so well together.

I’m twitchy about this job and there’s no hiding it from Sarah. Something about it feels off. But it could also just be that I’m losing my taste for all of it. “Both.” I answer as she moves toward her seat across the aisle where she has her own desk area set up with her laptop open and a few files on some pending potential jobs.

“Ready when you are, boss.” She taps the keys and gives me a side glance.

“Okay. Here’s the plan…” I pull my pen from my pocket and begin jotting notes onto the fresh legal pad on the desk, giving Sarah things to check on or update as we go.

As I write with one hand, I flip open my own laptop with the other and confirm the details of the new life I’ve designed for the man who, after today, will only be formerly known as Leonard Calfus.



It was only a couple hours after last time we messaged when my phone lit up with more texts from Daddy. I was so happy. He said he can’t stop thinking about me and just hearing him say that makes me swoon.

He must have texted George right before me, because he tapped on his phone after receiving a message while I took my turn at our RISK game, then excused himself with a shrug of a shoulder. Said he had to run a quick errand and he’d be back in an hour.

With that, he left out the front door, making sure I was locked and secured inside with the alarm system on. I don’t know exactly what their working relationship is, but I know that when Daddy tells George to do something, there’s no hesitation.

His messages this time are a little spicier and I love when he’s like this. I know for him, the sexy part of our relationship is directly connected to his love for me.

Him: Daddy’s thinking your pussy is wet for me right now. Think of me pushing my cock deep inside you, Babybear. Cumming deep inside, making you more and more mine. Showing you who you belong to. Who you are. My own personal pleasure toy. My precious princess. My best girl. My only girl.

Things in my body start to tingle deep down. Suddenly my heart is racing and heat cascades over my skin. How can a simple text message turn me into a jiggling pile of Jello?

Me: Yes, Daddy.

I’m not sure, but he can do it.

Him: I know every morning, from the moment I wake up, that my life is better because you are in it. And your cunt is my own flavor of sex candy. So, my God, more than even all the other parts of you I love, that’s the golden cherry nugget on top. Your pussy was made for me, my love.

Me: Thank you, Daddy.

Now I’m a wiggling, quivering pile of Jello with wet panties and a heart that just grew three sizes.

Him: You’re very welcome, baby. Now, go to the play room and take off your clothes. Lock the door once you are inside. I’ll wait. Go now.

My panties are already soaking, knowing Daddy is going to talk me though some play. I was surprised when he texted me just a couple hours after our last communication. Sometimes it is much longer before I hear from him when he’s gone off to work, so when he said he wanted my hot little cunt to cum for him waves of tingling anticipation showered through me.

I take the stairs two at a time and sprint down the hall toward our play room. Once inside I do as he says and close and turn the deadbolt on the door behind me. Only Daddy has a key, so I know for sure once I’m inside I’m shut off from the world—even if George comes back he won’t be able to get in.

Me: I’m here.

I text quickly and try to slow my breathing. I’m nearly panting both from the pace of my trek to the room but also from the excitement. has something sexy on his mind.

I never know what he has up his sleeve, but what I do know is he can melt my panties and my heart with a few words in text as much as he can with his hands, mouth and cock in person. He just has this powerful way about him. He knows just what to say to turn me into a puddle.