Page 73 of Daddy Issues 2

He looks safe, like you could curl up next to him and know no matter what, he would be the best pillow and protector you could ever want.

“Many men are not as honorable as others.” Thadius’s voice interrupts us, his arm draping over my shoulder. “I hope you enjoyed the show.”

The sheriff assesses my father, then nods, one dark eyebrow moving upwards as the eye below narrows. “True and yes.”

“Your coffee did not fare so well.” Thadius nods to the ground and the sheriff turns. My eyes follow and see the large paper coffee cup he was holding laying over on the dirt, a large puddle of dark liquid surrounding. I know that Papa is playing his part now and it’s my job to pick up on his cues.

But right now, all I can do is stare at the sheriff and try to remember my own name.

“Oh well. Set it down to deal with something more important.” He sniffs, turning back to me and his eyes linger a moment on the swell of my breasts as my father’s fingers grip my shoulder.

“My name is Thadius. This is my daughter, Kezia. We are so pleased to have law enforcement here to enjoy our show.”

“That so?” The sheriff considers my father’s overly-friendly demeanor, and I can sense he’s not buying his shtick.

“Yes, of course. I thank you for intervening for Kezia. As you might imagine, she is the source of much grief for a father like me.” He chuckles but it just makes me cold because I know it’s an act. “Let me at least buy you a coffee.”

“It’s not necessary,” the sheriff answers, and part of me is disappointed. I want to keep this connection going even if it’s more acting than honesty.

“Oh, course it is. Kezia adores Starbucks and rarely has the opportunity. We are simple folks, so many things most take for granted are luxuries to us. Here…” He reaches into his back pocket and retrieves a twenty-dollar bill, handing it to me. “She deserves a break as well.” My father places his hand on his chest with a dramatic bow of his head. “I entrust you with my daughter, good sir. If you will do me the honor of taking her for a coffee, and replace yours as well. It’s her favorite guilty pleasure, one I rarely allow. A demonstration of thanks for your concern on her behalf.”

Wow. He is good. He appeals to the sheriff’s sense of honor and trust, as well as making him think he’s giving me something special. My father knows his stuff. I’m not so much a Starbucks fan to be honest, but I know the drill and play along.

If the sheriff had been drinking a chocolate Milkshake from McDonald’s, that would have been my favorite thing. It’s all just clues and opportunity.

I see the veins in the sheriff’s forehead thicken as he takes a slow breath, filling the front of his chest as he ponders.

He swallows, exhales and drops his hands, his thumbs hooking into the heavy leather belt around his waist, then answers. “On one condition.”

“Anything,” Papa replies, another ceremonious bow, from his waist this time.

“I’m buying.”

“Very well. I need just one moment with my daughter before you go…family business.”

The sheriff’s eyes are flat but he raises his eyebrows in agreement and I already know what’s coming as my father guides me by the elbow until we are out of earshot.

“We have two days left here. You will do your job, keep his interest but do not allow him your virtue. Tease, play, lead him on…keep him under your thumb and distracted. Make him believe we are simple performers, do not take anything from him.”

My stomach knots, I hate when he makes me do these things. “But…” I start, but he waves at the sheriff, false humor in his eyes as he looks back at me, cutting me off.

“You will be relieved of your responsibilities for the next two hours. Your most important performance right now is to keep that sheriff on a leash, or you’re on rations or worse. Go, get your coffee, work your magic, dangle the prize in his face, then return here, but not before you make sure you secure seeing him for the day tomorrow. We need him out of the way, thinking of anything but his job. Now go and do your job.”



The drive to Starbucks goes by like a flash of lightning.

After I open the car door and Kezia takes a seat, a rush of adrenaline has my heart coming through my chest wall. Her scent is like nothing I’ve known before. Natural, innocent, with a sexuality that makes me feel like I’m sixteen again trying to talk down a hard-on with a mind of it’s own.

Her peach-shaped face has barely a trace of makeup, outside of the pink gloss that makes me think of coating her lips with the slick desire from between her legs. I inhale hard, making her draw into herself, and I can’t say I blame her.