Page 49 of Daddy Issues 2

And if all that wasn’t enough, I was simply dead inside. I had no one left in this world I cared about. The nights of going after one female conquest after another were long past and had brought me no false sense of anything positive for years.

So, there I was. Doing my job.

Sitting in my study, staring at the wall. Walking the perimeter of my property in the middle of the night when the nightmares wouldn’t end.

And one day, I walked into a greenhouse and my entire world changed.

Even in the short time we’ve been together, I didn’t truly realize how much one person can change another.

It’s been four days since I picked Ginger up off the floor of the cabin, but it might as well be a lifetime.

She was sick on and off for the better part of two days before I went to the drugstore and bought the pregnancy test. And the world I thought had changed so much…that was nothing compared to now.

I’m going to be a father.

And I’m no longer the same person I was two days ago.

The harsh reality of the world I’ve created hit me when I looked at that plastic stick with two blue lines.

I have to do better.

I have to be better.

No more excuses. I will make a life for us that will make them proud.

My Babybear and my kid.

“Daddy.” Ginger touches my arm, shaking me from my daydream. “You okay?”

I realize I’m shaking. My dick is deep inside her as I hold her legs wide, looking down where I’ve got her laying on the edge of the bed.

“Perfect.” I answer, clenching my jaw to hold back my third climax of this session. “You make me feel like I’m sixteen again, baby. You know that? No one has ever made me so hard so long so often before. Tell Daddy you love him. I need to hear it.”

The truth of that statement hits me as I look down at the beauty below me.

And it’s not just her physical beauty either. I was always able to appreciate that in women.

Oh no, she isn’t even in the same category. I love every part of her. Her soul, her physical beauty, her heart, her mind—even her problems and her pain-in-the-ass sassy mouth sometimes.

All. Of. Her.

It shakes me to my roots to realize the enormity of my feelings. Now, add that she’s carrying my child and God have mercy on anyone that even looks sideways at her.

“I love you, Daddybear.” She breathes out as I slip out of her, needing her flavor again on my tongue.

I drop to my knees, letting her legs settle on my shoulders as I dive into her soaking slit full force, her body heaving and bowing as she writhes on the bed.

I reach up, laying a hand on her heart and holding her steady as my tongue presses as deep as it will reach into her drenched hole. Our sex goes on for nearly an hour. She is spent, covered with my seed and half delusional before I’m done.

But we are happy.

So fucking happy.

I thought I was insatiable before I found out she was carrying my child. But that’s nothing compared to the lust that consumes me now.

I’ve barely even taken work calls for two days. If I’m not on her, inside her or having some other form of lustful play with her, I’m taking care of her in every way I can imagine.

But obligations cannot be ignored forever. I’ve got things stacking up. I’ve got to get organized, so we can have the life I need for us. I’ve postponed some pressing issues as long as I can and today will be the beginning and the end of my life.

Life I now think of as before her and after her. I’m no longer who I was, and I’m still becoming who I need to be.

I will work on it for the rest of my life if I have to. I will get it right. But first thing is to make her mine in every way, so she can never be apart from me.

“Babybear.” I whisper into her ear as her fresh fucked hair splays out on the white pillow.

“Hmmm?” Her sleepy voice is hinted with satiated satisfaction and I look down to see her ivory skin marked with red here and there. Teeth marks dot her neck, her shoulder and her tits, while her ass is red from my hand. I like to see myself on her, it feeds my beast and lets the world know to stay the fuck away—she is owned by me.

“I have to ask you something.” I reach over into the top drawer of my nightstand. The courier brought me the package today and I’ll admit now that the time is here, I’m fucking nervous.

“What?” The seriousness in my voice has her eyes open as she turns her head on the pillow to face me. “What’s wrong?” Her blonde bangs fall crooked across her forehead and those eyes that mesmerize me fall to half-mast.