Page 166 of Daddy Issues 2

I hear Chastity telling me to stop and I realize I’m punching an unconscious man.

I look over to see her standing behind me, her eyes darting from me to the man on the floor then back, like she’s trying to decide if this is real.

My body turns cold as she sways. “I’m dizzy Daddy…” Her eyes roll to the back, and she falls forward.

I catch her mid-fall. I get her out of there, away from him, the man who would have been me.

I carry her out of the closet and put her onto the bed as there is a pounding on the front entry door.


More pounding.

I’m caught between Chastity, watching the fuck laying on the floor and The police. I lunge to the wall where there is a security control panel and push the button that lights up the small screen.

It’s the cops, five of them outside the door, and I push the com button.

“I’ll open the door. We’re down the left hallway, all the way to the end in the bedroom. One man is down, I’m Jackson Carter, this is my home with my fiancé who is drugged or injured. Perpetrator in the closet.”

“Open the door.” One of them looks into the camera, his hand on his holster.

“Call paramedics,” I finish and punch in the code to remotely open the door.

Ten minutes later, the cops are wrangling my twin now conscious but beaten twin out of the apartment. He came to just after they stormed the bedroom and there was a five on one, which he almost won. But, they got him cuffed and I can still hear his manic yelling and laughter as they dragged him out of the apartment.

Paramedics are nudging me sideways, trying to check Chastity. As the cops entered, I tore off my suit jacket and wrapped it around her, then grabbed a pair of my boxers and slipped them on her as well. If I wasn’t so worried about her, I’d take a picture because she’s cute as hell, even wearing my shit which is ten sizes bigger than her.

The cops found a rag on the floor of the closet that they said smelled like Chloroform. I rub my forearm over my face, wiping my twin’s blood off my cheek and jaw, peering over the paramedics’ shoulders as they treat her.

“She’s going to be okay, right?” I demand, more a statement than a question.

One of them looks up, meeting my eyes, and it seems like an age before he answers. “It looks that way, but we can’t know for sure until we get her to the hospital.”

“Then let’s get her to the hospital,” I bark and they shoot me a look, but being polite right now isn’t a priority.

“We will—”

“Fucking, now.”

Before they answer, Chastity makes a moaning sound, her hands go to her face, rubbing her cheeks, and I push the taller paramedic away to squeeze next to her.


“Daddy,” she answers, and I don’t care who hears. Everyone has seen the open closet with our play things inside and at this point, let the world know, I don’t give a shit. As long as I have Chastity, I’ll burn everything else to the ground. We’ll start over, just the two of us on some private island somewhere if necessary.

“You’re going to be okay. I’m right here.”

Her lashes flutter open and she looks at the paramedics, then at my face. “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” A flicker of a smile tips her lips up and she starts to giggle.

“Probably the Chloroform still in her system. Can make you a little loopy for a while.” The bigger of the two medical workers reaches down and adjusts the oxygen tube in her nose. “Best if we get her to the hospital, like you said.”

I nod as Chastity reaches up and pinches my nose. “Boop.” She chirps then explodes in more laughter. “Alice is going to be soooooo mad we made such a mess. You’re going to be in biiiiiig trouble Mister.” She points at my nose and pokes it again. More laughter.

“You’re being a naughty girl.” I brush her hair from her forehead as she tries to stop laughing. “But, this time, I’ll let it go.”

The paramedics get her on the stretcher as I follow behind.

In the elevator, Chastity reaches out and I take her hand, her laughter gone.

“I saw you.” Her eyes well with tears.

“Saw me what, baby?”

“With that lady. In the restaurant. You gave her a ring, too.” Her voice breaks and tears stream down her cheeks.

A moment of confusion takes me, then I remember.

I reach inside the suit jacket she’s wearing now and pull out the red box.

“You mean this ring?” I pop it open. This is not the way I envisioned my proposal, but there’s no time like the present.

Her eyes are still teary, but she crinkles up her nose, looking at the massive heart shaped pink diamond staring back at her. I pull it out, point toward the inside of the platinum band.