Page 70 of Take Me, Break Me

Chapter 28


I made sure to arrive before she could. Eight PM in a poorly lit car park outside a hotel wasn’t the place to leave a woman alone. When she emerged from the hotel entrance wearing the same blue dress as that other night, I smiled.

“Hi,” she said quietly as she approached. The closer she came the more my guilt surfaced. She was thinner, if more confident than when she’d been my slave, but anxiety lurked in the straightness of her mouth and the way her eyes searched mine.

“Hi, yourself.”

I stepped close, and with the smallest of pressure, tipped up her chin with my forefinger. The trembling beneath my finger said a lot. I gently tucked some loose strands of her hair behind her ear. Hugging would have helped her, perhaps, and me certainly, but I didn’t have that right, not yet.

“We’re going to go sit on the beach and talk. That is, if you’re agreeable?” I twitched my eyebrows upward, and I prayed.

If she was here, she was most likely agreeable, but still, us humans are strange. Had she changed her mind? Maybe she’d come to say goodbye? Maybe she just wanted to kick my shins and stalk off fuming? Maybe I’d get shafted like I probably deserved.

She licked her lips and made a funny little noise in her throat. “I…uh yes, I’m agreeable. Of course I am. You know I wanted you back.”

That little statement sent my heart thumping faster.

I stooped and kissed her on her mouth, a slow, gentle kiss. “Remember when we made up those rules all that time ago about your capture fantasy? I said no abduction because it’d be too dangerous?”

She nodded, her eyes dark.

“I’m fixing that now. Don’t scream.” Then I ducked and picked her up with her top half dangling over my back and her legs held down by my arm. She gasped once. For a second I braced my muscles – a woman isn’t light, and besides I liked the soft weight and scent of her there, caught over my shoulder. I restrained myself from turning my head to bite the side of her ass.

“Good girl,” I whispered. “Consider yourself abducted.”

Then I crossed the road with my little captive and strode through the thin gathering of palm trees and down onto the beach where I set her on her feet.

“That was pretty amazing.” Jodie giggled. “Am I in the harem of the Prince of Zanzibar now?”

“Is that my rival? The Prince of Zanzibar? I’ll remember that name. No, we’re still on Magnetic Island, but…” I took her hand “… we are about to begin a new adventure. And we need to talk about it, because this time we both get to make up the rules.”

We left our shoes by the footpath and ventured onto the cool sand, sitting in the softer drier zone halfway between the trees and where the waves surged up and down on the beach. A few ghost crabs toddled about sideways.

“Can we just hold hands for a minute?” she asked. “I want to feel you touching me. It will mean a lot to me.”

“Sure. I’d like that too.”

Her smile caught the moonlight and lifted my heart. I heard her inhale deeply before she put out her hand.

Those delicate fingers resting in mine – I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed them. We sat together, her thigh resting against mine and we looked out across the sea.

I could barely believe she was here.

Slowly, the never-ending soft roar of the waves coming in and going out smothered the thoughts in my head. I licked the salt off my lips. The important ideas stuck up above the rest of my thoughts like the dinghies moored out there, rocking on the water.

I squeezed her fingers. “First. This is new, and not what we had before. Negotiation is a crucial part of BDSM. And it has to be consensual. That’s the absolute bedrock. You’re a part of this. Where do you want to start?”

“Oh. Umm. Anywhere you like. I think maybe that’s best.”

I held back a laugh. “Not quite what I meant.”

“Hmm. I guess I need time to think through this idea.”

“Now that’s a good decision already. There’s only one thing I feel I should mention now in case it bothers you. There’s going to be someone watching us whenever we do scenes. Until I can trust myself.”

“Oh. That’s going to be…curious. Umm, who?”