Page 67 of Take Me, Break Me

“You’re overthinking it, Klaus.”

I glanced across. “What do you mean?”

“Not everyone is into public or play parties. Kat would be more than happy to help you out. Think you could bear that?”

“Like an observer?” I thought while we powered along, getting into a nice matching rhythm. “I guess. Not Damien?”

“No! They split. He’s found a Domme. So you’d trust her to teach you?”

“Teach? Hell, I wasn’t thinking teaching. Just observing, you know? She can stop me if I go too far. I’d trust her to do that.”

We rounded the point and caught sight of the farthermost spur of the super-long stretch of beach that was Horseshoe Bay.

Moghul laughed. “Sounds like a deal. But you better watch her too. She has designs on Jodie’s ass.”

“Yeah? I recall that.” I grinned back at him. “That makes two of us then.”

For the first time in ages, my heart lightened. Now I only had to tell her.

What if…what if I’d left it too long? She might say no. My little stew of panic came back and parked itself like a blob in my stomach. It would be pure, unadulterated karma if she did.