Page 55 of Take Me, Break Me

Chapter 21


A warm lump vibrated against my back. Baxter. I smiled. That cat was getting more and more demanding. The light filtering through my closed eyelids and the coolness said morning sometime. I shifted beneath the sheet. Aches and sharp twinges all over my body stirred.

Ow. Last night. I remembered, running through what had happened, bliss, BDSM, me being deliciously dominated, and then my memory blurred. Something had happened when Kat went to stick a needle in me. I’d been scared but Klaus had stopped her. Klaus…

I sat up and looked around. Where was he? The rest of the bed was cold. The house was silent of the sounds of another person living in it. It felt empty. Had he gone somewhere?

I was utterly awake and aware in a heart-seizing fraction of time. The room around me sprang into bright relief.

Where was he?

In a few sweeping seconds, I spotted the pile of stuff on the bedside table and some paper with writing on it scrawled in his hand. The date at the top – the day my fantasy ended. I grabbed the paper and let the sheet float onto the bed. The first words were galling.

I can’t be with you without hurting you. I’m not safe. Don’t follow me. I won’t leave you instructions as that would defeat the purpose. Remember who you are.

How you used to live.

I stared. The next words were crossed out.

Forget what we did.

The rest was nothing important or nothing that seemed so – it was all about passwords and the film and something called subdrop and what I could do.

Doing anything seemed wrong.

I let out a shuddery breath and clutched the sheet to my chest. I was alone. It wasn’t just the house that was empty, it was me.

Cold seeped into my bones, froze my muscles, pained me so badly my stomach grew claws. I hurt. I hurt so much.

I got underneath the sheet and buried my eyes in the darkness.