Page 17 of Take Me, Break Me

Chapter 9


There are times in your life when you feel yourself going in a different direction from where you planned to, and you resist, because change is weird and scary. Same ol’ same ol’ is calming. But always, there is the what-if factor. So here I was. I’d set this in motion but now I wasn’t sure how far to go. Most of all, I wasn’t sure how far Klaus meant to go.

It was black behind that blindfold but I’d never been frightened of the dark. If anything it settled me, but I wasn’t exactly calm either. I picked at my nails while I thought.

Angry, I was so angry! The pain had made me want to spit on him, to chew him out and tell him how this was not what I’d wanted. With a deep exhale I rocked my head back, looking up at the ceiling I couldn’t see. Why? Why had he done that? Did he truly enjoy it? Or was that a lie to mess with me?

Yeah, it scared me if he liked that. Truth be told, I’d wanted sex with him. Rough sex – shoved against the wall, hair-grabbing sex with lots of moaning and humping. But not getting whacked by a fucking piece of bamboo. Shit. Gingerly, I probed one raw line on my lower butt.

How was this fun? It wasn’t. Reality hadn’t been anything like what happened in the stories.

Sex with Klaus was not on my agenda anymore. Not until he apologized for going too far.

The camera footage would be great, though. I could see how that would have viewers oohing and ahhing. Always find the bright side.

I needed to set a chickening-out point. Past that, if things were going haywire, I should stop everything. Damn and fuck it all though. Already, the pain he was willing to inflict had gone way past what I thought necessary. And yet, when I remembered…my clitoris, that all-knowing judge of everything sexual concerning me, Jodie Partinger, was remembering how aroused I’d been when he’d hit me with that bamboo cane. While I’d been tied, helpless and blindfolded; while I could do nothing to stop him, he’d hit me.

That had got to me. It had hurt, but also it had somehow, just for a few minutes, felt good. When he’d gone behind me and looked at my ass, I’d plain throbbed. If he’d moved aside the crotch of my clothes and shoved into me, I’d have welcomed it. But the man hadn’t. Why? I was sure he’d wanted to from his words and actions. Had his sense of right and wrong stalled him?

I guess, it had seemed like rape. Though whacking me with that cane until I screamed hadn’t been that much less illegal.

I swallowed. Chicken point, remember? I thought some more.

Any irreparable damage to me was a no-brainer. That would make me shriek stop fast, but by then I’d know I should stop things anyway. Problem was I didn’t know what he intended. I rested my chin on the back of my clasped hands. Frustration gripped me. When and what?

Scariness. If I got too scared, that would be it, and I could see Klaus meant to make this scary. I hadn’t thought he could do this but he’d found his inner Neanderthal.

My ass and thighs stung. Thorough man. I smiled. He was the epitome of someone who lived by the motto, if you’re going to do something, do it well.

I squirmed, trying to find a better way to sit, but it still hurt.

My natural tendency was to defy him. I imagined my fingers removing the blindfold, and then I imagined what he might do. Ugh. No. I relaxed my fidgeting fingers. Not this time. I’d be…good. I’d keep myself happy by thinking of how I’d kick his balls up into his teeth afterward, if I needed to. Judo or no judo.

I wish I had a mirror to see. Blood would have freaked me out, though. I prayed there wasn’t any, but my ass and thighs burned like hell.