Page 12 of Take Me, Break Me

Chapter 6


When I let her rise, Jodie stood there looking dazed. My hand stung from what I’d done. The clock on the wall ticked. I’d always thought it too loud. The last few minutes sizzled in my brain. Who was the man who’d done that?

Without taking my eyes off her, I put my hands behind me found the kitchen counter and lifted myself back onto it, then I sat there with my legs dangling and I watched her. I’d hit her so hard. I’d never hit a woman like that. Judo was all safety consciousness and a mild martial art unless you combined it with other more contact orientated ones. With judo, you didn’t aim deliberately to hit someone hard enough to bruise and I figured I’d made some on her ass. A lot, probably. I wanted to take her shorts off to look. My dick wished that too. I adjusted my pants.

God, my hand hurt.

I could almost see the effect of that spanking draining from her mind. The mental shock was dying. Tear tracks marked her face.

Total confusion was giving way to he hit me, and then to fuck that hurts. Lastly I figured that defiance had crawled back in and poked at her, whispering, you don’t have to do this.

The effects were bouncing around in my head too. There’d been mornings when I’d woken up next to her and simply watched her while she slept. The gentle sounds of her breathing, the pure lines of her face unmarred by worry. She looked serene. Beautiful. Every time I’d seen her asleep my heart had felt that odd warm tug. Love? Once upon a time I’d thought I’d loved her. Then I didn’t know. And then I gave up.

And now I was here.

Drool spilled from her lip onto her shirt. She grabbed a towel.

Didn’t need to think. I reacted.

“Uh-uh.” I wagged a finger, real slow.

She flinched and put the towel down.

The rush that hit me then – at being obeyed. Wow.

Sheer anger burned in her eyes as a string of drool ran from her chin onto the cloth of her T-shirt. With her hands on hips, I swear I saw her twitch her sweet denim-clad ass. Defiance. I liked it.

The drool. Sexy? No. The round shape of her breasts stretching the shirt was sexy, sexual, alluring. That I could make her wear the gag was not sexy, it was…mind-blowing.

Why? I barely grappled with the reasons myself. I’d delivered hit after hit to her ass. And each one had said mine – this is what I can do to you, because you’re mine, right now, whenever I want to. I can do anything. For all my fancy words about being a friend, I was more than that now. I’d let loose some dormant part of me. Some other me. A me that didn’t just allow me to beat her and make her do things. That me got fucking excited and roared when I did it.

My phone rang. I slipped it from my back pocket, and checked the screen. Don, the secretary at the judo club. If I ignored the call, he’d possibly text me, or possibly not. The man liked hearing a voice at the other end.

“Yes,” I answered, knocking my heel on the cupboard below and keeping a keen eye on Jodie as she finally did as I ordered and began to wash the dishes. Some weird-ass guilty reaction warned me she might snatch the phone away and run off to call the police. Not that I thought that…but this was so socially unacceptable. Yet I’m sure my dick had gotten even harder when she picked up that first dish. Damn, I was kinky.

“Will you be down the club this Friday to teach?”

I’d told everyone – friends, acquaintances, my locum at the business – that I was not to be contacted, except Don apparently. My excuse was that I was helping someone with a special project. I’d stayed mysteriously silent about the type of project. I had to cover the possibility that I’d be seen around the island.

I held the phone flat to my ear, struck dumb by the dichotomy between the warm friendliness of his voice, and the well-spanked, gagged woman in front of me. Two different worlds. I volunteered most weeks to coach the beginners, the white and yellow belts, but also sometimes I did groundwork coaching with other black belts. I could hear the thump on the mats down at the hall. Hear the barked commands of the sensei. Smell the dust and the canvas and the freshly washed judogis, then the sweat as the sessions wore on. That was part of my life.

My other life.

My hand was throbbing so her ass must be too. I stared as Jodie washed the last dish then wiped it.

The phone.


“No, Don. Sorry. I’m busy for the next few weeks. On holidays, but busy. Ian has the schedule. Check with him, please.”

“Sure! No problem. See you when you get back then.”

“Yes. For sure.” I pressed end, and tucked the phone into my pocket.

Some things, when the opportunity presents, you just have to grab them. So I was grabbing my ex-girlfriend and doing whatever I could, legally, that made my dick hard and my mind inhabit that laser-beam sharp thought-place I’d just discovered. I would learn about this dormant caveman, sadist, whatever…this Him inside me.