Page 11 of Take Me, Break Me

Fuck. Now I was angry. Excitement drained away. I summoned energy and fought him. Desperate, raging, gasping, coughing as I fought his muscled assault. Tooth and fingernail, clawing, I even tried to bite when his arm was under my mouth but the metal of the gag stopped me.

He was strong, too strong. Fastened to him, caged in his steel grip and pinned on hard thighs, I collapsed. My muscles burned and had fucking ran out of voom. My chest ached as I sucked in air, but I gathered myself, wriggled with everything left…and nothing. I couldn’t move.

“Finished? Done?” His words were growled from somewhere behind my neck. Both my wrists were fastened at my back by his hand, my nose was squashed into the floor and, caught on his lap as I was, I could feel his erection sticking into my belly.

“Uck oo,” I managed to slobber out, feeling more spit gather between mouth and the kitchen tile it was jammed against. I blinked stinging sweat from my eyes. The speckled gray of the tile mocked me. I’d helped lay these tiles months ago. My heart pounded, everywhere hurt or stung including my wrists where he trapped them. Everywhere was so damn tired.

“Give in?” he asked.

I coughed and considered.

Without warning his hand slammed into my butt and was followed by more and more hits. After one painful knock onto the tile, I arched my neck to avoid having my lips crushed. This wasn’t right. My mind flailed at me. It wasn’t safe.

He kept hitting, kept slamming his hand down on my ass, jarring my entire body, ramming into my mind the finality of his strength. He didn’t ask another question or stop, though I half-screamed, half-grunted at the burn from the blows. Tears ran down my face. The force of him, the strength of him, seemed forever planted in my consciousness. When he did stop, it was a million years past when I needed him to. I subsided, gasping, until again my cheek lay on the cool tiles. Agonizing heat flared in pulsing waves from where he’d struck me. Outrage, regret, pain and a strange sort of arousal all jumbled up inside my head.

With my breaths still rasping staccato from my lungs, and my wrists still clasped in one of his hands, he gently laid his broad palm over one cheek of my backside. Ass up, vulnerable, his hand an inch away from my pussy. The situation avalanched on me and, like a rock melting in the devastating heat of a lava flow, I gave in. My muscles relaxed. My body seemed no longer mine.

“Done?” The question floated for ages.

Nothing would happen until I replied.

Then, like before, he inserted his fingers in my mouth. I did nothing as he moved them in and out, playing with me. With one hand on my butt, one inside my mouth, and me lying exhausted over him, I nodded, my forehead sliding over tile.

Yes, I gave in.


His fingers left me.

“Now you will do what I ask, when I ask?”

I hesitated a bare second. My heart thumped, I exhaled. And I nodded. It might not last or be forever, but right then, it was yes.

Later, maybe, my mind whispered, later we can argue. But my God, what he’d done resonated down to my soul. This was Klaus? I thought I knew him, all of him. Now…I wasn’t sure I knew me, let alone who he was or what he might do next.