Page 72 of Take Me, Break Me

“I’m sorry, but it’s for the best.”

“So it’s just to be kissing?”

I narrowed my eyes, staring down at her, playing lightly with her hair, and wondering at the change in her tone. She’d said that like a judge questioning a witness.

“Yes. For a while. Now shush and relax, and we can be here for a while.”

“But then we go home, together?”

My grip tightened on her hair. I so wanted to turn her over and spank her. There it was though – my irrational need to hurt her for what? Being normal and having an opinion?

“No.” I let out a measured breath. “I go to my apartment and you to your house.”


I could almost hear her thinking, and I waited for her next question with some unease.

“Can we discuss this tomorrow, in daylight, at my house? I’ll have Adrianna come over, so you can feel safe from me. She can sit out on the back verandah while we talk. She’ll do it for me.”

She’d said that so steadily, I wasn’t sure if it was a tease or not.

“Safe? From you? You are pushing it.”

“It’s true though. You are scared of getting close, doing things. Well?”

“Damn.” I glowered, though no doubt it was wasted in the darkness. “Okay. We do need to talk more. With Adrianna there, okay. Now be quiet and enjoy the bloody sea.”

That time she giggled. I smiled despite my annoyance.

When we rose to go home and walked up the beach hand in hand, I was reluctant to let her go. But her hand slipped from mine and we said goodbye. I would see her tomorrow. More talking only, maybe I would kiss her again. It seemed like we’d reverted to being teenagers, or worse. Except the yearning inside me wasn’t just from a need to screw her. It was a far darker need. I clenched my fists. This was the best way. The time would pass.