Page 36 of Take Me, Break Me

Because I liked where I was.

I hadn’t made a choice, a decision, in days, weeks. I hadn’t needed to think ahead. I swallowed, shifted from one bare foot to the other.

The ear plugs didn’t block out everything, they just made things quieter.

The grinding hum of the door motor made me jump. The door bottom lifted, showing a widening sliver of bright sunlight. Gravel clacked as the jeep drew up. I could see tires, then the face of the driver, of Klaus. Frozen in place, I stayed where I was as he drove in, opened the door and stepped out.

Big. He was big, muscular, and cross. I swallowed.

The garage floor was concrete with chips of rock and grit. I didn’t hesitate a second longer. I dropped and prostrated myself in obeisance, and I waited, shaking.

Did I shake from fear or some sort of adrenalin high? Even I wasn’t sure.

He knelt on one knee beside me and gently, with his hand under my chin, encouraged me to raise my head. “Been bad, pet?”

His gray-green eyes looked somehow puzzled, yet the longer I met his gaze the more it changed to that familiar sadistic and evil one. The one that he wore when he walked about marking me with the crop or the cane.

On cue, the tingles of arousal trickled straight to my clit.

“Yes-s.” I was a mouse. A mouse with goosebumps prickling cold down her arms, and with heat gathering in her groin. Whip me, beat me, I’ve been bad. “I’m sorry.”

“You will be.”

The promise in those words made me inhale sharply and bite my lip.