“Is it a secret?” he asked. When I pursed my lips in reply he added, “Everyone knows whatthatmeans.” He nodded to my mother’s necklace, and turned to push open the doors. “His Majesty has left a pile of books for you at the same spot as last time. He asks that you be done by dinner.”

“Why did you call him ‘my Lord’ before?” I asked, suddenly remembering how Lucifer and many of the people in Mithloria had first greeted us. “Were you pretending for him? Or is that an appropriate title?”

Lucifer raised a brow. “His Majesty indicated he would rather you not learn of his actual position,” he replied. I felt my stomach sink a little at the realization of how far Carnon had spun his web of lies. “But,” he added, “my Lord was his title as heir, before becoming the Demon King. Many still use it.”

“Oh,” I said, feeling unexpected relief at this. “What about—” I gaped as Lucifer strode off, clearly done with me and this conversation and leaving me alone in the cavernous space of the royal library. Well fine then. I could manage on my own.

As promised, a pile of books was waiting for me with a folded piece of paper atop them. The note was addressed to “Red,” and I rolled my eyes as I unfolded it.

Thought you could use some suggestions for light reading.


Light reading was a joke. There were at least eight huge and ponderous tomes stacked high beside the plush sofa, with titles likeA Complete History of DemonkindandThe History of the Gods, Volume XI. Goddess above, I hoped he didn’t want me to read parts one through ten.

I flopped down with a sigh and took upHistory, Magick & Myths of the Horned Oneand skimmed the table of contents. It didn’t look particularly enlightening, but I supposed I should learn about this god whom Carnon swore existed, so I opened to the section on his history.


I awoke with a start yet again as Carnon shook my shoulder gently, crouching down so he was eye level with me and grinning wickedly.

“Sleeping beauty awakes,” he purred. I scowled, scrubbing my face and sitting up. “Practice really took it out of you I see.” Carnon picked up the book, which had slid to the floor and opened to a section on the Horned God’s magic. “Learn anything interesting?”

“Nothing you hadn’t already told me,” I replied with a yawn, trying to muffle it behind my hand. “What time is it?”

“Dinner time,” Carnon said, replacing the book on the stack and frowning down at me. “You’re going to need a lot more training if you’re this exhausted after practicing on a mere apple.”

“To be fair, the reading you assigned me was very boring,” I replied. “How does this help me pretend to be your betrothed, or you to find my mother?”

“It doesn’t,” he said with a shrug. “But you should know the history of which you are now a part. I’m hoping that you’ll be able to dig up some answers about why you are blessed with my magic.”

“I may have demon magic, but I am not a demon,” I said icily. “I’m a witch. That’s all I want to be.”

Carnon sighed. “Come on,” he said, offering me a hand. “Cerridwen and Herne are waiting for us.”

I narrowed my eyes at the offered hand, standing without his help. “What are they waiting for?” I asked.

“For dinner,” Carnon said, as if this should be obvious. “Akela will be joining us too.”

“Herne doesn’t like me,” I protested, following Carnon out of the library, and leaving the stack of books for some poor scholar to shelve.

“Herne doesn’t like anyone but Cerridwen,” Carnon replied over his shoulder. “And she’s the one doing the cooking.”

“Does your staff really just let you come and go like this?” I asked, frowning as he tossed me a plain, brown cloak and we entered some kind of servant's closet. “Don’t you need guards? Or an escort?”

Carnon barked a laugh. “Believe me, Elara,” he replied smoothly, tugging my hood up over my hair. “The whole kingdom knows not to try to murder me. It would not end well for them.”

The way he looked as he said this made me shudder internally. I hadn’t seen Carnon do anything particularly violent, other than murdering a few monsters in the Bloodwood, but I didn’t doubt that he was capable of it. Still, the court being wise enough to protect him didn’t mean I was safe from their wrath.

“And what about me?” I asked. “Once word gets out that I am the Crone’s granddaughter, the people here might not take so kindly to me or my betrothal to their king.”

Carnon made something like a growling sound deep in his chest, and I looked up a little startled. “If anyone so much as attempts to lay a finger on you, Red,” he rumbled, adjusting the cloak to cover my hair more completely, “then they will find themselves without that finger. And possibly without the arm that finger was attached to.”

Something hot and alluring hummed in me at his words, and I really wanted to blame the demon magic in me for this insane attraction. I shouldn’t find threats of violence arousing, and I made a note to take some time to seriously contemplate my mental health soon.

The necklace thrummed again, as if sensing the direction of my thoughts, and Carnon smirked as if he knew exactly what I had just been thinking. He leaned down to murmur in my ear, “I told you, Red, I am not kind.” He straightened, keeping his eyes trained on mine. “But I am fair.”

A shiver ran down my spine as he turned and guided me outside.