“The Triple Goddess seemed fine without her consort in the Witchlands,” I pointed out, squashing the magic back into submission.

Carnon smirked knowingly. “That’s because she was never without him,” he said, sitting back and grinning at me in a way that made it seem he knew exactly what kind of internal war I was waging. “Next question, Red.”

I cleared my throat, choosing my next question carefully. “Why was there a witch mirror in your palace?”

Carnon frowned. “I told you already, Elara,” he said seriously, “I have no idea. I didn’t know that mirror was there until your grandmother’s hand fell out of it.”

I grimaced, remembering the sight of the severed hand on Carnon’s desk.

“Fine,” I said. “Why do youthinkthere was a witch mirror? And that doesn’t count as a separate question!”

Carnon smirked. “Ithinkit’s likely that one of my predecessors was communicating with a witch,” he said, unhelpful as always. “But again, I can’t be sure. Ask me something I can actually tell you.”

I made a noise of frustration, which was somewhat muffled by the clam I had just shoved in my mouth. I swallowed, washing it down with a swig of the ale. “Why don’t you want me to tell the Daemon Lords how we really met?”

“Ah,” Carnon said, smirk fading a little. “That is a question whose answer could put you in danger.”

“Oh come—-”

“But,” Carnon stopped my protest with a raised hand, “I will tell you what I can. Acceptable?”

“Fine,” I grumbled, taking another sip of the ale and watching Carnon as he chose his words.

“Some of the Daemon Lords would use the information about our meeting to…” he paused, searching for the best way to say whatever he couldn’t properly tell me, “influencethe politics of my kingdom,” he finished. “It’s safer for both of us if they do not know I was seeking you out, and just assume it was an act of fate or the Goddess.”

“And whywereyou seeking me out?” I asked, hoping to trick Carnon into some kind of admission.

He smiled knowingly, a pointed canine peeking over his bottom lip. “You know I cannot tell you that yet, Red. You’re down to your last question.”

“That was only three!” I protested, trying to count back all of the questions in my mind.

“No, that last one counted,” Carnon said, leaning back and crossing his arms again as he watched me finish off the fried clams. “One more.”

I scowled at him, dipping the last clam in the sauce and licking the grease from my fingers. Carnon watched me intently, his snake-like eyes following the flick of my tongue over the grease. He made a pained noise as I sucked my entire index finger into my mouth, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“Fine,” I said, smiling and enjoying the fact that I was torturing him. “What powers do you have?”

“Ah,” said Carnon, a wry grin lighting his face. “It would be better if I showed you.”

Chapter 5

Thirty minutes later, I found myself on the balcony veranda of Carnon’s room, a blanket wrapped around me against the cold, as Carnon cracked his knuckles ominously.

“For a big bad Demon King,” I said, folding my legs under me as I sat on a chaise in the doorway of his room, “you don’t actually seem to be feared around here.”

Carnon paused midway through a stretch, quirking an eyebrow at me. “Tell me that again after you’ve seen me hold court,” he said seriously. “Now, what magic do you want to see first?”

I frowned, unable to imagine Carnon being particularly vicious, but I supposed the rumors of the merciless Demon King must come from somewhere.

“How about beast magic?” I nodded toward Akela, who was sprawled out on another chaise looking perfectly dog-like, and Artemis, who was perched on the lip of the chair above him, looking haughty. “Or are they the beast magic?”

“They are some of the magic,” Carnon agreed, a smile tugging at his lips. “But I’m not sure you’re ready for the rest, Red. I’ve been told it’s…alarming.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just show me.”

His green eyes glinted a little wickedly as he said, “Very well,” and unbuttoned his shirt.

“What are you—,” I gasped, sitting up with a little scream as he disappeared into glimmering green smoke.