Page 61 of Switch Heater

“Of course. And I’d much rather you worry me than have something happen to you, never knowing what happened. It doesn’t matter how big or small the problem is; call us.” He tells me gently.


“Now, get home. We’ll see you in a couple of hours,” he says.

“Hey, Knight?” I call out before he can hang up.


“Maybe don’t tell River about what happened? He’ll freak, and the next time he gets me over there, he’ll lock me away in the nest and never let me leave again.”

He chuckles. “You’re probably right. I’ll try, but I can’t promise he won’t still find out.”

I sigh. “He probably will, but we can at least try to have a good evening before he finds out, right? See you soon.”

“Be safe, Sweetheart,” he says before hanging up.

I toss my phone into the passenger seat and turn the radio up to hopefully help drown out the scary thoughts that won’t stop circulating in my head. I could have been kidnapped, or worse. So many scenarios flash across my mind on my trip home. What if I’m still being followed? My eyes keep tracking back to my mirrors, glancing into them to see if there are any suspicious-looking vehicles back there. My shoulders are tight the entire trip back home because I can’t relax.

I hope it was just an isolated, random event. Surely there isn’t someone out there stalking me for real. What if it’s Victor? What if he’s got people watching me, waiting for the moment I’m alone?

I snort at myself. Gods, that’d be ridiculous. There’s no fucking way that alpha is that desperate that he’d stalk me. I know he’s dangerous, and I’m heeding those warnings I’ve gotten, but no way am I still on his radar so many months later. No, it was just some freak of an alpha getting his jollies by scaring an omega that was alone.

It’s not until I’m pulling down the driveway that some of the tension bleeds out of me, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I decide to keep what happened to myself so we can have a nice evening. No sense in giving Mom a heart attack or sending my dads on a pointless manhunt. I’m a big girl. I don’t need my parents to solve my problems. Besides, I’ve got people I can run to now. And I did that. Called them for help. Just Knight talking to me was enough to calm me down a little so that I could get out of there.

My brother’s car is parked in front of the garage, and I grin. I’ve seen him once since being home, but only for a split second. He was on his way home, and River was dropping me off, so all I got was a quick hug and kiss on the head before he was gone. I quickly park beside his car and hop out, grabbing the groceries and everything else from my trunk and rushing inside. I drop my loot on the kitchen counter and follow the voices to the back patio.

I squeal when I catch sight of Zeke and Emmanuel, Ridge’s pack brothers. The red-haired giant of a man grins widely at the sight of me, and he holds his arms out. Taking a running leap, I catapult myself into Zeke’s arms like a little kid. He chuckles and twirls me around before dropping me back on my feet so Emmanuel can pick me up next, wrapping me in his arms for a bear hug.

“Hey, kid. We missed you.” Manny ruffles my hair once he sets me back down, laughing when I glare at him.

I huff, rolling my eyes at being called ‘kid’. They’re like three years older than me. Patting my hands on my head, I try to fix the mess he made with my hair before deciding to just throw it in a bun on top of my head. I stick my tongue out at them because I’m mature as shit like that, and both alphas chuckle.

Zeke is a pale gigantasaurus, with freckles that dot him nearly everywhere. Fiery red hair, wild and free, hangs to his shoulders in waves. I’ve always loved his hair. I hope when they have kids, if they ever do, that one gets Zeke’s pretty locks. I find him adorable, despite how massive he is. Like a puppy, because that’s exactly what he reminds me of. He’d give Nico a run for his money in the size department for sure. His Scottish accent only makes him more attractive. It’s diminished slightly over the years since he moved to America, but damn if it isn’t cute as hell.

Emmanuel is tan, with shiny black hair cropped close to his scalp. He’s not much smaller than Zeke, standing maybe a few inches under him, but he doesn’t have near as much bulk to him as Zeke does. He’s the strait-laced one of their trio, which is good because my brother and Zeke are always up to no good, so he helps keep them in line. Not to say Emmanuel can’t be fun, because he can. He’s my gaming buddy, and we go paint balling anytime I’m home. I hope those dates don’t end now that I’m home for good. They’re always the best days.

“Missed you too, knothead,” I curse.

Zeke gasps, placing a hand over his heart. “Ripley, such language. Ye need some soap in yer gob. Dinnae make me go tell yer maw tae git some and clean yer mouth out.”

“Don’t be such a shit, Zeke. I’m a grown woman. Now, where is that pesky big brother of mine?” I place my hands on my hips, staring them down.


Screaming, I whirl around, ready to punch whoever just scared me. I just barely stop my fist from flying forward when I catch my brother’s stupid smirking face, so much like Papa’s that it’s scary. Glaring at him as everyone laughs at my reaction, Ridge scoops me up and swings me around.

“I missed you, little sister. It’s good to have you home. Though, from the way Mom talks, that might not be for long.” He waggles his eyebrows, and I slap his chest.

“Hush, you. Don’t you dare embarrass me tonight. Any of you.” I narrow my eyes on everyone when he puts me back down, especially the dads.

They all raise their hands in surrender, but I don’t trust them. Not for a second. Damned alphas.

“Don’t worry, my darling girl. Nobody will embarrass you. Isn’t that right, boys?”

Mom’s tone brokers no arguments as she steps out of the backdoor and raises a brow at them all with her hands on her hips. I smirk as all the big men in the backyard grimace and say, ‘yes ma’am’, yielding to my mother so easily.

Ridge follows me to the patio table, and we sit across from each other. His black hair has been shaved down on the sides but is still messy on the top, flopping over his forehead boyishly. His hazel eyes, much like my own, shine with warmth as he looks at me.