Page 50 of Switch Heater

“Come on. Have a sleepover with me. I’ll even let you pick the movies if all the other stuff I threw out wasn’t enticing enough. “

I raise a brow. Now that’s an offer I just can’t refuse.

“Deal. No take backs.” I warn and smirk at him.

Hope he likes murderous musicals. My favorites. He has no idea what he’s gotten himself into, and I’m almost too gleeful about it.

I chuckle as he lets loose an excited ‘whoop’, yelling, “Sleepover!”

“Who’s having a sleepover?” Syn asks as they all finally walk our way, arms loaded down, and we begin the trek back to their house.

The sky is a pretty pinkish orange color by now, and all is quiet and still other than the sounds of our feet crunching against the debris on the ground. River’s fingers are entwined with mine, his grip reassuring. Knight and Nico playfully push each other around behind us like rambunctious children, and Kian rolls his eyes at the two men’s antics. I smile at the easy comradery between them, finding it endearing. Like brothers.

“I’m locking Ripley away in my nest tonight, just me and her.” River announces proudly and then narrows his eyes at them one by one, staying on Nico the longest, and I snort.

Nico is going to have a hell of a time fighting for time with me, it seems. Hope he’s up for the challenge. Of course, River is his omega, so surely, he’ll find ways to distract him and sneak time with me. I’ll have to have a talk with River about sharing, I’m sure. Eventually. Greedy omega that he is.

Syn gives him a surprised look. “Your nest?” Her mouth opens and closes in shock.

“Yep. I want to make sure she’s extra comfy. Doesn’t get more plush than my nest. Besides, the projector’s in there and I told her she could pick the movies if she stayed. Just a little bribery to really sell the idea.”

“Holy shit. He’s letting you pick the movies? He never lets us pick when we do movie nights with him!”

That comes from Kian.

I can hear the laughter tinged with a bit of surprise in his voice, and I smile conspiratorially at him.

“Don’t worry. He’ll regret it. Probably won’t ever let me pick another movie again after tonight.”

“Well, now I’m intrigued, Little Bird. Do tell, what are we watching?”

“Not a chance.” I scoff, and he pouts.

Kian grins and shakes his head, wrapping an arm around Syn’s shoulders, kissing her temple. River nips my neck again and I chuckle, looking away from the two and swatting him to stop. It’s quiet on our trek back for a moment, with River wrapped around me the whole way. The sky steadily darkens, so Knight decides we’ll take the trail around instead of walking back through the trees. I’m a little bummed about that because I bet there are some fireflies floating around in there, making the place look even more magical, but I can’t say I blame them for not wanting to walk completely blind through the trees.

“Anything specific you want for dinner, Kitten?” Nico asks me softly, coming up on my left. He grabs my other hand and squeezes gently, sending those butterflies into a frenzy all over again.

I nearly sigh at the intense satisfaction unfurling in my chest. I smile softly at him and squeeze his hand back. Pulling it up to my face in a bold move, I rub my cheek against the back of it. Nico grins at me as I gaze at him while scent-marking him for the first time. It’s not much, but something inside me told me to do it, and I just followed that instinct.

“No. I’m not picky.” I finally say.

“How about grilled cheese? Nico makes a mean grilled cheese and tomato soup.” River chimes in, and when I glance at him, he’s grinning from ear to ear.

I pretend to think about it for a moment, but it’s truly a no brainer. Cheesy goodness dipped in tomato soup? Yum. “Sounds delicious.”

Before long, we’re all walking inside their house. I excuse myself to call my mom, untangling myself from both men and laughing when they complain and fight letting go of my hands. Escaping to the family room, I sit on the plush couch, curling my legs under me and clicking on mom’s name in my contacts. It rings twice before I hear her voice, almost like she’s been watching her phone waiting for me to call.

“Hey, sweetie. How’s the day been? Did you guys have fun? Get a lot of sun?”

Got a lot of something alright. No way am I saying that to her, though.

“It’s been a good day. Lots of sun for sure. I just wanted to call and let you know I won’t be back tonight. River has asked me to stay the night... In his nest.” I tell her excitedly, practically jumping up and down in my seat.

She gasps. “In his nest?” She whispers down the line.

“What’s wrong?” I hear a voice mumble before I hear her shush him. One of the dads, for sure.

“Uh, huh. Even bribed me with movie privileges if I stay.” I huff out a laugh.