Page 49 of Switch Heater

Before long, everyone else migrates their way to where we are, taking up spots at the shore. I head out of the water to the others, and we all stand together and watch the two omegas play in the water, occasionally stopping to give a touch here or a sweet kiss there between trying to drown each other like a couple of kids. I have a feeling our lives are going to be much livelier with two omegas around, and I’m already excited about the direction our future is taking.

“Gods, they’re so fucking cute together.” Syn chuckles as she watches River and Ripley splash each other.

She has her dark curls tossed up on top of her head in a massive bun and her cut-off shorts are unbuttoned, having been left open for her bathing suit bottoms to peek out. The dark purple bikini top she’s wearing looks new and, in my opinion, is showing off her assets nicely. I’m not blind. Syn is smoking. We just never would have worked as more than family. It seems someone else is hoping to catch the eye of one very pretty omega in this pack.

“What were you three up to earlier when you were just standing around, hmm?” Knight whispers in my ear.

I just smirk at him and keep my eyes facing forward. No way am I telling him shit.

“Stingy bastard.” He grumbles.

“Hey, guys? Maybe we should get them out of the water and make them eat or something. Separate them for a bit. They look like they’re about two seconds away from going at it in the water,” Kian says, amusement lacing his tone.

He’s right. They’re clawing at each other, lips locked together as Ripley practically climbs up River’s torso.

“Gods. Fucking horny omegas.” I grunt out as I walk into the water after them.

Knight just laughs, and Kian is no more help than he is. Syn and I wade forward and drag the two lustful beings away from each other, both voicing their complaints rather loudly as they’re separated. I grab Ripley while Syn grabs River and we lead them to shore. They both whine and whimper as we drag them to where the others are standing and then over to the stuff we brought. Yeah, life is going to get more interesting for sure.



“Stay with me tonight,” River whispers against my ear, his voice deepening.

He stands at my back with his arms wrapped around me as we stand off to the side waiting on Nico, Syn, Kian, and Knight to finish getting our things together after our day out on their lake. It’s been a fantastic day full of sun, laughter, and, in my case, orgasms. Glorious orgasms.

I wish I’d gotten just a little more time with Nico alone, because I enjoyed his company. The way he made me feel safe and comfortable while he held me, and we talked made me even more sure about my decision to go all in with this pack. Damn the potential risks and consequences. Unfortunately, I’m coming to realize that River is a very greedy omega when it comes to me and my time. If he truly wants me to have relationships with everyone else, he’s going to have to learn to share.

Right now, I don’t really mind how stingy he’s being. Actually, I quite like it. He makes me feel coveted, precious. What girl doesn’t want something like that? It’s nice to feel wanted, and I’m not complaining about the Ripley sandwich River and Nico made with me under the other’s noses. That was sexy as hell and felt amazing, obviously.

I’d have to say playing in the water with River was my favorite part of the day. We just let loose and had fun with each other. The water felt magnificent and the pretty rocks at the bottom of the floor almost seemed to shimmer under the sun’s rays. Of course, the alphas did have to pry River and me apart from one another at some point. Taco blockers.

All in all, it was a wonderful day. I got to spend more time with everyone, even interacting with Syn, Kian, and Knight throughout the day, which I loved. They all made me feel like I was already a part of their little family.

Syn and I talked about books, much to the guy’s amusement. We volleyed back and forth, throwing recommendations out to each other, and I told her all about the fun circus themed alien series that I’ve been hooked on since it came out. The third book just came out and already I’m frothing at the mouth for the next installment.

Knight told me about his new game he has coming out later this year, which sounds like heaps of fun. He said it’s an apocalyptic nightmare fuel game that should have plenty of jump scares and a ton of twists and turns. He even offered to let me play it sometime, which I immediately agreed to because it sounds like a blast.

Kian showed me a few of his favorite little hideaways around the lake’s edges, and I told him all about the little adventures I’d gone on around my family’s property when I was growing up. We made plans to go on a hike together one day soon, which has me excited beyond belief.

I hope we all get to do this again. It really was a wonderful day, and I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since I showed up.

“Hmm... I don’t know.” I reply to River coyly.

He growls playfully into my neck, and I giggle at the ticklish sensation, swatting him on the shoulder. “Please. I just want to feel you pressed against me tonight. It’s all I’ve thought about since our first day spending time together.”

Biting my lip, I ask, “What about everyone else?”

“What about them? It’ll just be you and me tonight. We’ll camp out in my nest, watch some movies, and cuddle. Whatever you want, we’ll do.”

My eyes widen in surprise at his words. He wants to invite me into his nest? This could be a big test to whether this relationship could work. An omega’s nest is their haven. Some have several mini nests around their homes to hide in if their alphas are well off, like Huntleigh was describing to me the other day. It’s an area that’s just for us until our heats when we desperately want our alphas in there with us. We’re typically very territorial with our space and allow only our bonded in. Sometimes family or a friend if we’re close. I’m so curious to know what River’s nest looks like.

“You want me in your nest?” I ask, turning in his arms so we’re chest to chest, and look up at him through my lashes.

“Of course, Little Bird. I want to roll around with you all over my pillows and blankets, so when you’re not with me, I can just go in my nest and get a hit of that delicious scent of yours whenever I want.”

I squeal as he rubs his face in my neck and over my cheeks, tickling me again and scent marking me at the same time.