Page 28 of Switch Heater

“Agh, Knight! Why couldn’t it have been you who found me first?” River is full-on pouting now and I don’t even know how to fix it.

Knight chuckles at River’s antics. He can be a touch dramatic at times. Not always, but sometimes those omega genes rear their head and really make themselves known.

“I found Ripley, Knight! Ripley! The scent that was on Syn and Kian last night. How fucking lucky is that, huh? To just be saying last night how I wanted to meet her and then to run into her here, of all places. Oh man, Knight. You have no idea what you missed out on by not being here to see her yourself. She’s the prettiest thing I’ve seen, and she smells even better in person.”

His eyes get a faraway look in them the more he talks about her, like he’s imagining a whole new world with her in it. It’s a look I haven’t seen since we started courting him.

Since when does another omega’s scent make him, dare I say, wistful?

Knight’s eyes grow wide, his lips parting as he sucks in a breath. “No fucking way,” he breathes out.

“Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on? I don’t understand,” I grunt, getting annoyed.

River sighs, dragging me over to the table he and Ripley were sitting at when I wandered up. He pulls me to sit down with him and Knight follows with the food he snagged, sitting across from us. I grab the cheese fries but don’t start eating yet. Instead, I look at River and wait.

“Alright, last night when Kian and Syn got home, Knight and I were in the family room... You know. Anyway, when Syn walked over and knelt by me, I got a hit of a scent clinging to her, and I tackled her to the ground. Nic, I nearly rutted her like an alpha over that scent. I don’t even know why, but hot damn, that scent made me want to punch a hole through the wall with my dick. They told me her name was Ripley. I didn’t think I’d ever get the opportunity to meet her, but the Gods were definitely listening to me because while waiting for you two to get back, the wind blew, and that scent hit me again, only stronger. And there she was!”

“That-” I stop.

What the fuck do I say to this? My omega is... attracted to another omega. I’ve never heard of such a thing happening before. And based on the way she was looking at him, she wanted him too. Now that I think about it, when he hugged her goodbye, she took a deep lungful of River’s scent. And maybe when she perfumed it wasn’t just because of me.

Ah, fuck. Now that is an intriguing picture. River and this omega, tangled together, frantic with their need for each other. I can feel my dick hardening behind my zipper and have to shut those thoughts down fast before I’m sporting a hard-on in public.

“Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me that girl was here, and I missed it?”

“Did everyone know about this other omega but me?” I huff out in annoyance.

What the fuck. They both ignore me and continue to talk about this Ripley.

“What was she like? What does she look like?” Knight asks him eagerly.

Why does he care? And why is River entertaining him?

“She’s sweet. Blushes at the littlest things. It’s so adorable. And she’s stunning. Like, if we hadn’t been in public, I’m not sure I could have contained myself.” He gets that wistful look in his eyes again as he talks about her.

We’ve all talked before about being okay with it if River ever found someone else that made him feel like we do. And vice versa for us. But not another omega, because it just isn’t logical. Two omegas under the same roof? It’d be a bloodbath. Or it should. But for some reason, River and Ripley are breaking norms and defying everything we’ve been taught about pack life.

None of us have dated outside of the pack since River joined. We could, but we’ve never had anyone make us feel the way River does, and he always said he didn’t need anyone else. That we were more than enough to handle. That might be changing now. For everyone.

We’ve always been told that pack is life. It’s your new family. And your omega is the center of the pack. Omegas don’t share and they’re territorial as hell. Usually. So, what makes this woman so different?

“I’m not telling you what she looks like. I want you to see her for yourself and get the full effect!”

Knight’s brow furrows. “How will I get to see what she looks like? I doubt you’ll get lucky like today again and randomly run into her. Sucks because I want to see how she reacts to you with my own eyes.” A devilish smirk takes over his lips and I roll my eyes.

“Uh, duh! I got her number. What do you take me for? An amateur? Gods, I’m disappointed.”

We finish up with our food and trash everything. I’m tired and ready to get back home. I only came because it’s what River wanted. He loves shit like this. Me, not so much. I’m not one for crowds and all the mixed scents lingering everywhere. I can handle festivals and outdoor activities because the fresh air helps to mute all those scents, but I’m really not much of a people person. Which is ironic because I deal with people daily and for multiple hours at my shop, Ink Envy.

I’d just much rather be home with my little family. I might only be intimate with River, but that doesn’t mean I love everyone else any less. They’re pack. I couldn’t imagine doing pack life with anyone else, but the bunch of weirdos I snagged for myself.

“Are we ready to head back home yet? I’m fucking wiped,” I ask.

“Yep. Let’s go! I can’t wait to tell Kian and Syn she was here. Do you think she lives nearby? Oh, that’d be hella lucky. I mean, what are the chances right? That Kian and Syn would help her last night at the ceremony and that I would find her today. That’s got to be Fate at work for sure. A sign. Something.”

River is smiling, humming happily as he walks ahead of us to my truck. I love seeing him like this. It brings a smile to my own lips as Knight, and I follow him. I watch as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts texting. I’m going to assume he’s texting the pretty omega with the giddy smile that overtakes his face when he gets a response.

“You think it’s a good idea to let him get his hopes up about this omega? I mean, I wasn’t exactly planning on any of us being with anyone else after we got River. I know we’ve all talked about it being okay if we ever met anyone else, that it’d be fine to date outside of the pack, but another omega? I don’t see how that can work. But he is right. She smells damn delicious.” Knight whispers low enough that River doesn’t hear him.