Page 25 of Switch Heater

Okay. He doesn’t seem mad. At least he hasn’t attacked me yet. Is that a good sign? Oh, please Gods, let it be a good sign. I want to lick him and lay a claim in front of everyone here, and I don’t even know him. I hope I get to know him. If this is how I feel before even spending time with him, I want to keep him. The alphas would just be a bonus, and that is a concerning thought right there because omegas crave the touch of an alpha and the pleasure their knot can bring them. Or lock for the lucky few who have the right equipment for it. It’s in our biology to need and want the care and affection of an alpha and the security they provide when they help make hard decisions we struggle with on our own. Sometimes we just like being told what to do and not having to think about it ourselves or having someone take charge without us having to ask.

Omegas don’t work together simply because of how needy and jealous we can be. We want all the attention for us. There are sometimes other relationships within a pack, but I’ve never heard of an omega wanting another omega and being happy with only having them. Heats would be unbearable without the relief an alpha knot or lock can bring. While we can manage it with toys and sometimes medication, that stops working after so long. I’ve only had a few heats and already I’m sick of the toys after the first day of my heat. And the medicines become less effective the longer you use them.

At this moment, though, looking into his dark chocolate eyes, I don’t care. I would suffer if it meant I got to have him.

Biting my lip again, I softly say, “That would be me. I’m Ripley. It’s a pleasure to meet you, River.”

“Oh, Little Bird, the pleasure is all mine.” There’s a hunger in his gaze as he reaches down, gripping my hand in his slightly larger one, and bringing it to his lips. His eyes never lose contact with mine as he kisses my hand.

My body feels like it’s on fire. How the fuck does his bonded survive without being connected to him twenty-four seven? I can’t tell if he’s actually flirting with me or if it’s just his natural charisma.

“Ripley. Who’s this? A friend from the Center?”

Mom cuts in, causing me to blink away the spell he has me under. I can’t believe he had me so wrapped up in him so easily and quickly. It’s like I completely forgot my mom was even here.

“Um.” I glance at him one more time before looking at mom.

She smiles warmly at River, shaking his hand and introducing herself.

“No. Mom, remember this morning how I was telling you a nice alpha and beta helped me last night?” My eyes are like saucers as I relay this, watching her eyes grow wide as well.

“Oh. Oh! Of course. This must be their omega. It is lovely to meet you. It was so nice of your alpha and beta to help my sweet girl out last night. I wish we could have been there instead, but I’m glad to know there was someone looking out for her, even if it was unintentional.”

River just smiles kindly at her, leaving me star struck.

Gods, he has the cutest fucking smile.

He laughs lightly, his eyes sparkling as he looks back at me. Mom giggles but tries to hide it behind the fakest cough I’ve ever heard.

“Did I say that out loud?” I wince.

Chuckling, River responds, “Yeah. But it’s ok. You’ve got a pretty cute smile too, Ripley.”

Oh, fuck me. He is totally flirting. Is it possible to die from being overly aroused? Because if it is, I’m close to spontaneously combusting. Which is not cool because my mother is here. I wish a hole would form in the ground and swallow me whole.

I see Mom watching us, her eyes volleying back and forth, almost comically between the two of us. I want to talk to him more. Who knows if I’ll ever get this chance again?

“You know, I think I saw a couple of booths back there that I wanted to check out before leaving. Ripley, why don’t you see if River would like to keep you company? I’m sure you don’t want to go with me. You must be tired.”

River tries to hide a smile, his lips pressed tightly together, but I can see the mirth dancing in those chocolate depths. Subtle, my mother is not. I don’t know whether to hug her or strangle her. He answers her before I can.

“Actually, I’d love to keep Ripley company, if she doesn’t mind.” He directs the last part at me, raising his brows.

“I’d love that.”

Mom claps her hands together. “Excellent. Rip, I’ll text you when I’m done. See you later. Byeee.”

She runs off faster than I’ve ever seen her move with her short legs. She’s going to grill me later like never before. I could see the questions piling up in her eyes before she scampered off.

River leads me over to an empty picnic table off to the side. It’s relatively empty in the area, so it’d be the perfect place to talk with each other. Quieter, if only marginally. He sits across from me, his coconut and honeysuckle scent drifting my way with hints of teakwood and cider dispersed within, making me want to crawl inside of him and never come out.

“So, what brings you to the Lunar Festival? Are you here alone?”

My eyes look around to see if I can spot an overprotective alpha watching nearby. It’s unusual for an alpha to let their omega run off alone and unprotected. Not that we need permission to do things, but an omega on their own is a disaster waiting to happen. Not all alphas are kind and loving. There are some real nasty ones out there. The alpha from the ceremony comes to mind. His scent was very much misleading.

“Ah, no, Nico and Knight should be around here somewhere. They went to get us something to eat when I caught your scent. I actually wasn’t supposed to leave the spot I was in, but they know by now that I don’t always follow directions well.”

Nico and Knight. Is that who the teakwood and cider scents belong to? Oh, sweet mother of the moon. They smell just as mouthwatering as the omega in front of me. I thought Syn and Kian’s scents mixed with his made me hungry with desire. River hit the pack jackpot, and I don’t even know what everyone looks like. I’m going based on pure instinct and how their scents are maddening.