Page 154 of Switch Heater

“Let’s go have us a baby, Baby Girl,” she tells her with an excited gleam in her gray eyes.


“I hate you all so fucking much right now,” Ripley wails as another powerful contraction seizes her belly.

Things are moving fast, much faster than we expected. By the time we made it to the hospital, Ripley’s contractions were coming every two minutes. Once they checked her into triage, they immediately worked on getting her into a room because she was already dilated to seven centimeters. This baby is coming quickly. We can all feel her pain because she can’t block us right now with everything she’s feeling, and it’s a little uncomfortable, but we all bear it with smiles, refusing to let her know.

“Alright, Mama. You’re at ten centimeters. Almost time to push. I’ll go get the doctor and let him know,” the nurse says as she pulls off her glove and smiles at us all.

“You hear that, Little Bird? We’re about to meet our baby,” River says, clutching her hand to his chest.

Tears fill his eyes and my own seem a little misty as well. We’re all about to be parents, about to see the product of our love for each other. It’s exciting and nerve-wracking and seeing our omega in pain is hard.

“I don’t wanna do it. It hurts,” Ripley cries, squeezing River’s hand with a white-knuckled grip.

I wince when he does because I can tell she’s squeezing hard when his knuckles pop from the pressure. River just grins and bears it.

“I know it hurts, Starlight, but you’ve got this. You’re one of the strongest people I know,” Kian tells her on her other side.

Ripley moans in pain as another contraction takes hold of her less than a minute after the last one. She works to breathe through it, her face scrunched up and sweat matting her hair to her forehead. She jerks both Kian and River close to her, and they nearly fall on top of her.

“Get. The. Doctor. Now!” she growls out through gritted teeth to both of them.

They stare at her with owlish eyes and both nod, scrambling to get out of the door, knocking into each other in their rush. Syn, Nico, and I take their places, and Ripley grips mine and Syn’s hands just as hard as she was theirs. Nico perches himself near her head, wiping her face with a cool washcloth. I wince at how tight she squeezes but say nothing.

“What’s wrong?” Syn asks her, pushing her hair to the side gently.

“Pressure. So much pressure,” Ripley grunts, her jaw clenching tightly, face reddening.

Syn and I look at each other and grimace when Ripley squeezes our fingers again. I’m pretty sure I hear bones cracking.

“Alright, who’s ready to have a baby?” Doctor Scales says, clapping his hands together as he walks in.

The room quickly fills with nurses as they get things in order. The doctor washes his hands and gets himself covered up while the nurses help him put gloves on. Kian and River rush in and maneuver their way over to us, taking up places beside me near Ripley’s head. We all help Ripley turn onto her hands and knees, and she hangs her head down, breathing through her pain.

She did a ton of research during this pregnancy and decided early on she wouldn’t have the baby lying on her back. We interviewed several doctors before choosing this one. Doctor Scales was the one that listened to Ripley’s wants for her birth as well as made her feel comfortable and heard. According to everything she read, being on your back to deliver isn’t really what’s best.

“Oh, Gods. It’s coming! Fuuuuckkkk,” Ripley groans, swaying side to side.

“Doctor! I can see the baby’s head,” the nurse at the end of the bed says urgently.

“Don’t push yet!” He exclaims, rushing over.

“I’m not!” Ripley screams. “Son of a bitch, I feel like I’m being split in half. The baby’s pushing itself out.”

The doctor makes it to the end of the bed and places his hands beneath her. Ripley screams again, gritting her teeth. Syn moves closer to the foot of the bed to watch the baby be born, but the rest of us stay farther up to rub Ripley’s back and head, whispering words of encouragement and affirmation to her.

“Big push. The head is almost out.”

“Oh, look at that hair!” Syn cries out, her eyes watering as she clasps her hands beneath her chin.

“There we go. Take a deep breath and then push again. Let’s get those shoulders out.”

“It hurts! I can’t,” Ripley moans in pain, tears streaming down her face and dripping onto the bed.

“I know, Kitten, but they’re almost here. You’re gonna hold our baby in just a minute. Come on, you’ve got this.” Nico tells her, holding her hand.

She takes a deep breath and starts pushing again, grunting. Several pushes later and the most beautiful sound reaches my ears, bringing tears to all our eyes. We look and see this tiny, perfect, squalling baby in the doctor’s hands.