Page 144 of Switch Heater

“Your behavior just now is unacceptable, Omega. Shall we show Ripley what happens when you defy me? Hmm?”

“I’m not afraid of you, Demon,” Cozy hisses, a tremble in her voice despite how hard she tries to put on a brave face.

I look at Cozy, trying to see her face. Her head is turned to the side, looking at the door, refusing to look in Victor’s direction. I watch as her throat bobs as she swallows, and my lower lip trembles. Her eyes dart my way for just a second, and in that second, she nods her head at me. As if to say it’s okay. She glances at the cage door and then puts her eyes back on the door that leads out of the room.

It’s now that I remember Victor didn’t lock the cage door when he pulled Cozy out. He was so angry about her defying him that, in his rage, he must have forgotten to lock it back. My heart pounds in my chest.

This crazy, beautiful, abused soul put herself in the way of danger to help me get out. It was a crazy plan that might not have even worked in the end, but she still did it, just in case.

Some would say she could have done me the favor way earlier before she drugged me and had me brought here, but I think she needed to meet me. I think we were destined to cross paths. She needs me just as much as I need her right now. We need each other, and I don’t care what it takes. I will get her out with me. Alive!

Victor finally comes out of the closet, paying me no mind as he stalks back toward Cozy’s back. He has a whip in his hand, and I swallow at the glint of silver I see at the end of each tail. There are six strips of leather in total and at the end of each are sharp metal barbs. Maybe half an inch, but sharp enough to cause some damage to human flesh. It’s a literal torture device, and he plans to use it on her.

My pulse ticks in my neck and I clench my jaw to keep from screaming out with Cozy when he brings the whip down for the first time. Cozy’s back arches as he pulls it away, leaving behind streaks of blood and welts already forming. At the same time, I feel the smallest prickles of the emotions of others welling up in my chest.





And love.

My bonds flare back to life, and I nearly cry as all of my mates’ overwhelming love fills me up to the brim. I push back, sending all of my love back to them, and shock ripples back down each of their bonds. They can finally feel me again. Reassuring waves cascade down each bond as they try to let me know they’re coming. I send back a wave of determination and bravery and then look back at the situation at hand.

It’s time to get the hell out of here. Victor is so focused on Cozy, bringing his whip down in rapid succession. Cozy cries, screaming each time the metal studs dig into her skin. I count four whips so far. Her back is already a mess of ripped skin and blood. It looks beyond painful, and I have to push the threatening growl that wants to unleash from me down.

“I see you’ve forgotten your manners, Omega. That’s fine. You’re going to find them again,” Victor growls, bringing the whip back down for the fifth time.

I slowly crawl to the cage door, keeping my eyes on him to make sure he’s not looking in my direction. Cozy’s cries break my heart, and there’s a black pit in my stomach at what she’s enduring for me. At the cage door, I ease it open as slowly as I can, trying to make sure it doesn’t make a sound to alert Victor of what I’m doing. I get it open just enough for me to slip out, breathing a sigh of relief when I crouch down on the floor, and Victor still hasn’t noticed I’ve gotten free.

The sounds the whip makes as it arches through the air and then lands on Cozy’s flesh again are sickening. I’m pretty sure that for the rest of my life, I’ll hear her screams and the sounds the whip makes as it connects with its target.

I creep across the floor towards the closet he got the whip from. I’m sure her intentions were for me to get out before he could notice I was gone, leaving her behind, but she’s nuts if she thinks I’ll leave her here to be killed by him. Absolutely fucking not. If he had that whip in the closet, then it stands to reason that there are other things in there as well. Surely, there’s something I can use to get the upper hand on him.

My heart is in my throat as I make it over to the closet, looking back again to make sure he still hasn’t noticed. I have to swallow the bile in my throat when I glimpse Cozy’s shredded back. So much blood. Oh, Gods.

I shake my head and investigate the closet. In his haste, Victor never closed the closet back and in front of me is a plethora of torture devices.

What a sick fuck.

Several different whips and canes line the back wall of the closet. Some have metal spikes on them to maximize the most damage, and some are just leather or wood. There are zip ties and rope, collars, more handcuffs, and even some small knives. I snatch up two knives, both about three inches in length, with serrated edges. Whatever it takes, we’re getting the fuck out of here.

I also grab a foot of coiled braided leather I find, wrapping one end around my left hand, and place one knife in my bra while I grip the other in my right hand. I’m hoping I can sneak up behind him and wrap the leather around his throat before he knows what’s happened. If I can do that, maybe I can stab one of the knives in his neck or something.

I say a quick prayer to the Gods that we make it out of here alive and creep my way to Victor and Cozy. His back is to me, and Cozy’s screams drown out any sound I may make as I shuffle up behind him.

I take a cleansing breath, working up my nerve, and then jump onto his back. My arms quickly go around his neck, and I wrap the leather rope around his throat, weaving it around my hands as I tighten my grip. I pull all my body weight back as I strengthen my grip, putting all of my anger and fear into what I’m doing, so I don’t give up. Victor drops the whip, his hands coming up to grip the rope, and he pulls, jerking it away from himself and rattling me. I’m losing my grip as my hands get sweaty and the leather is burning my palms as it’s tugged. I grunt as he walks backward, and I nearly trip.

I scream in rage and use my leverage on the rope to pull myself up. He jostles me as I shakily work to untangle the leather from around my right hand enough that I can jam the knife somewhere. My heart is pounding, and my pulse is thundering in my ears as I scramble to hold on and maneuver my hand while the alpha in front of me tries to get me off him, bucking like a fucking bull. I finally get a good enough grip on the leather with my left hand, and when I do, I slam the knife in my right into the side of his neck. Victor lets out a roar and jerks to the side. I fall to the left and land on my hands and knees, wincing. Before I can scramble up, Victor tackles me onto my back and straddles my hips, wrapping his hands around my neck. The knife is still sticking out of his neck, blood dripping onto my sternum and cheeks as it slides down his chest.

When he leans his face down into mine, he shakes me, rattling my brain in my skull and making my teeth clatter together.

“You just couldn’t fucking listen, could you? I warned you,” he hollers, spittle flying from his lips and landing on my cheeks with his blood.

“Fuck. You!” I growl back and reach my hands up.