Page 139 of Switch Heater

Calmly, without letting go of my hair, he reaches into his pocket with his other hand and pulls out a handkerchief. He cleans away the bloody loogie, then he grabs my face painfully, squeezing my cheeks in his hold. The pain in the cheek he hit intensifies as he squeezes, and I have to fight the tears threatening to spill out. I don’t want to give him my tears, my pain. That’s what he wants, to see me break, to be the one to break me. I can’t let him succeed.

I am strong, and I will endure. I can withstand anything he’s got in store for me. At least, I hope I can.

His slimy lips crash against mine, and I pinch my lips closed with a snarl. He presses them so hard against mine that it feels like they’ll bruise. Pissed off at the uninvited kiss, I jerk away when he tries to force my mouth open, lean my head back, and then slam it into his mouth as hard as I can, making my head spin. Fuck, that hurt. I’m pretty sure one of his teeth nicked my forehead. Blood drips down, sliding down my nose and dripping onto my chest.

Victor chuckles darkly, blood dripping down his chin. The way he looks at me as he dabs at his lips is unhinged, his eyes seeming to grow even darker. I’m becoming increasingly more frantic with the need to get away while he stares into me. Everything inside of me screams to run, hide, submit. Whatever will save me. I hate my instincts want me to cower, but omegas are meant to be cherished, so when the exact opposite is happening, their defense is to hide or give in until the alpha calms down.

Victor isn’t my alpha. I don’t know him. The only things I do know are that he’s evil and that he has killed omegas before. According to Cozy, way more than we know about. I don’t want to be another omega found slaughtered. I don’t want my pack to mourn me.

River. I want my omega. Tears well up in my eyes again and my lip wobbles as I think of the one that brought us all together and made us a family. He must be so distraught right now, absolutely losing his shit. I keep hoping I’ll get bombarded with all his feelings, but it’s so silent inside of me that it breaks a part of my soul.

I want my alphas and my beta. I want their comforting scents and their unwavering love for me. For them to hold me and tell me everything will be okay.

Victor’s hand suddenly flies forward, wrapping around my throat. My eyes widen as my body lifts from the chair, bringing it with me until it falls from between my bound hands with a clatter. Genuine fear worms its way in, locking my body up as I try desperately to suck in some oxygen. I thrash in his hold, my legs and feet kicking out as I try to hit him in the hopes it’ll make him release me. His hand tightens and my vision darkens, going fuzzy around the edges.

Gods, I’m going to pass out. My flailing slowly gives out as blood rushes into my ears and my heart pounds loudly, nearly drowning out the sound of anything else. I can’t breathe.

My hands ache to claw at his, to make him let go. His eyes bore into mine, a sneer directed solely at me, like I’m a bug that needs to be squashed. I have never been more afraid in my life, and it’s now that I realize I really need to be more careful. My smart mouth will not get me anywhere but dead. Hearing about how cruel he is and actually experiencing it are two completely separate things, but now I’m understanding. Victor may have wanted me for whatever reason, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t dispose of me just as easily if I truly piss him off.

My fingernails dig into my palms, slicing into the skin. Blood seeps between my fingers, but I barely even notice the sting. Too focused on the need to breathe. On the pain in my chest.


My chest feels like it’s going to explode, and my lungs are on fire.

Air! I need air!

Cozy’s whimpers reach me through the rhythmic thumping in my eardrums. She keeps muttering ‘stop’ to herself again and again. Her voice gets progressively louder until she’s screaming it, begging for it all to stop. I wish I could look at her, tell her it’s going to be okay, but that would be a lie. The truth is, I don’t know if everything will be okay now. I don’t know what I’m going to do, how I’m going to get us out of here alive.

Just when everything starts to dim completely, Victor drops me. I fall in a heap on the dirty floor and land on my right shoulder, pain ricocheting down my side. I gasp, coughing and sucking in deep lungful’s of precious air.

“Pathetic,” He growls, shoving me onto my back with his foot.

It hurts to swallow. My throat feels swollen and tender, and I cry out at the uncomfortable pull in my arms. Victor looks down at me, his gaze cold and unyielding. I flinch away the longer he gazes down at me, curling in on myself. I feel foolish, like a little girl that thought she could get away with something only to be thoroughly scolded and put in her place. Only I didn’t get scolded. No, I was strangled and thrown to the floor like trash.

Victor laughs drily when I flinch, enjoying the fear I just know he can smell. My usual musky, sweet blackberry cheesecake scent has gone sour with my fear, pouring off of me in waves. Bending down, he puts his face right in front of mine, and I bite my cheeks to keep myself from whimpering.

“And here I thought that any omega of the great Syn Kingston could handle much more than this, but maybe I was wrong. Don’t tell me that fighting spirit has already been broken so easily. How disappointing,” he mocks derisively, clicking his tongue.

He roughly pulls me up into a sitting position, and I squirm in his hold to get away. I don’t want him to touch me at all. I say nothing back to him, not only because I really don’t want to have my air constricted again but because my throat is very much on fire, and I don’t think anything I say could be understood right now. Not with the same effects as earlier.

Gods, and to think that Cozy has been with him for a year. I haven’t even been with him for a full twenty-four hours, at least I don’t think, and I’m already showing that I’m just an omega with no actual fight up against an alpha. He overpowers me so easily with alpha strength, and if he really uses his bark on me, then I’m truly fucked. An alpha bark is nearly impossible for an omega to ignore, even if they hate the alpha.

He jerks me up with him as he rises and pushes me toward the cage Cozy is in. He unlocks it and shoves me in before quickly shutting us both inside and locking the door. I scramble back, pushing myself against Cozette’s naked, trembling body as close as I can get and keeping wary eyes on the alpha that looks in on us like we’re animals in his twisted zoo.

“You two play nice now. I’ll be back shortly, and then the fun can really begin.” He grins a bloody grin at us and then walks out, leaving without a backward glance.

Once I hear the lock on the door click, my body deflates, the adrenaline seeping out of me and leaving me completely exhausted. I finally let my tears fall, sobbing into my chest. Cozette places trembling hands on my shoulders, and I lean into her, turning my face into her neck. I just need someone to comfort me right now, to hug me.

“Don’t give up, Ripley,” she whispers against my hair, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

“I just want my mates,” I whimper, the tears pouring out of me now that I’m not working so hard to keep them at bay.

The floodgates have opened, and I’m helpless to stop it. I cry against Cozy until my eyes feel swollen and I can hardly hold them open anymore. She holds me through it all, brushing her fingers through my hair and rocking me side to side. When I’m all cried out, I pull back, sniffling.

“Thank you. Sorry about snotting all over you,” I croak, sniffling.

I turn my face to wipe my nose on my shoulder. Gross? Yes. Do I care right now? Not even a little bit.