Page 134 of Switch Heater

I track the girl’s movements, ready to get up and follow them, but Gabriel stops me with a hand to my chest.

“Bathroom break,” he grins lopsidedly, sitting in a seat heavily across from me and River.

My brow furrows when I turn in my seat to look at him head on. Something isn’t right. I feel strange, my brain trying to tell me something, but I don’t know what. Gabriel’s eyes look glassy and he’s having trouble keeping his head up. When I look at River, his cheek is pressed against the table, eyes closed, and lips parted as he breathes evenly. A glance back at Gabriel shows his head in his arms and his eyes now closed.

What the fuck is going on?

My heart rate increases, my eyes darting in every direction, looking for Huntleigh and Ripley. I go to get off of my chair and stumble before falling to the floor, like my legs have just given out. Nobody notices what’s happening, since our table is in a darker corner, not necessarily around others, and the music is loud, making it harder for me to call out for help. Panic grips my chest in a vice grip, but it’s not mine.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

My omega is scared and in danger, and I can’t do anything. I feel useless, my body sluggish, my eyes trying to close on their own. I do my best to reach into my pocket and pull my phone out. All I can type out is 911 in my messages to Nico before the phone falls from my hand and my head hits the concrete floor, too heavy to hold up.

When I reach inside of myself to find Ripley, I get nothing. This exacerbates my fear for her. My eyes close and before I’m out, all I can think about is how much of a fucking failure I am. I failed in the one thing I told them all I’d be able to do. Protect my omega.


“Kian...” I hear through the fog in my brain.

“Fuck. How did nobody notice that they’re all passed out back here?” a voice growls in the distance.

I groan, rolling onto my side and blinking my eyes furiously. It takes me a minute for me to grasp where I am and then everything hits me at once like a freight train.

Gabriel and River passing out at the table. Ripley’s panic seizing me. My body failing me when I was stone cold sober all night.

My eyes pop open, and I sit up too fast, making myself dizzy. I hold my head in my hands and groan again, trying to keep myself from vomiting as everything around me spins.


Syn is crouched in front of me, holding my cheeks in her hands. There are tears swimming in her eyes as she looks me over. There’s also a hefty dose of fear.

“Where is she?” I croak out, terrified of the answer.

All the alphas are here, including Huntleigh’s and Gabriel’s. Both sets of alphas are surrounding their omegas, rubbing their shoulders and soothing them. There are police everywhere, the club blissfully silent now that there is no music and the lights are on at full capacity, making it easier to see.

“I’m so sorry,” Huntleigh sobs. “It’s all my fault. She tried to tell me, but I fucking insisted. Oh Gods, Augie, my best friend.” She hugs her beta, and he holds her tight, giving her soothing words and rubbing her back.

I try to swallow but it’s like gravel is in there, making it difficult.

“Where the fuck is my omega?!” River roars, causing my eyes to widen as I look up at him from my place on the floor.

His hair is a disheveled mess, his eyes on the verge of spitting fire as he looks all around the club frantically for Ripley. His chest heaves as his dread consumes him. Knight tries to soothe him, but River pushes him away, and we all gasp as he turns on his alpha.

“River...” Knight says, holding his hands up placatingly, trying to calm him down.

River nearly hisses at the alpha, eyes narrowed into thin slits. “Where is my omega, Knight? Where is she? I can’t fucking feel her!” he growls, hitting his fist against his chest.

He is feral, and not in a good way. He looks like he’s on the verge of losing it, his hands clenched into tight fists. Nico doesn’t look much better when I find him. The silent alpha sits there with a barely contained rage simmering in him that anyone would have to be blind not to see. Syn is angry as well but can’t keep the tears from her eyes as fear and the need to decimate whoever dared to take her omega war inside of her. Knight is terrified but is trying to keep a calm and level head.

“We’re gonna find her baby, I promise you. But you have to breathe and calm down, otherwise you’re no good to her,” Knight tells River calmly.

“Do not patronize me!” River hisses, pointing a shaking finger at Knight.

“That’s enough!” Nico barks, walking over to River with his nostrils flaring.

River’s spine snaps straight, a low warning growl erupting from his throat as he goes head-to-head with his alpha, not willing to back down yet despite the alpha bark Nico let loose.

“Nico,” River spits. “My omega is missing. Don’t you dare use that alpha bark on me!”