Page 132 of Switch Heater

“Alright, omegas. To the dance floor!” She shouts, shimmying her way to my side and snatching my hand in hers to drag me off of my stool.

I look behind me as she continues to drag me to the dancefloor and see River following us, but Kian stays behind at the table, body turned to face our way to watch. I nearly sigh in disappointment that he doesn’t come to dance with us, but Hunt distracts me by spinning me and raising our arms up in the air as she sways and moves her hips, and I follow her lead, letting the music roll through me and closing my eyes as I let go and just dance.

River comes up behind me, cupping my hips and pressing his body against mine. I push back and grind against him, my arms falling back around his shoulders and my hands holding his neck. He groans in my ear, and I grin as his breath fans against my neck, making my hair feather out and tickle the skin it touches. The tequila has settled in my bones, and I ride it, enjoying the music with my omega behind me, rolling his hips with mine.

When One, Two Step by Ciara comes on, Hunt screeches and rips me from River’s arms to drag me into her and Gabe’s. I laugh, giving River an apologetic look before jumping into the dance she forced us to learn our first year at the Center and that she’s made us do any time the song comes on.

We dance for what seems like forever, one song rolling into the next. A light sheen of sweat coats my body and I’m breathless but buzzing with energy and the alcohol. Which seems to have gone straight through me.

Fuck. I’ve gotta pee.

“Bathroom break!” I shout into Hunt’s ear.

She nods and follows me after telling Gabriel, who heads to our table to let River and Kian know. The line is never-ending when we make it to the bathrooms and I groan, dancing around like that’s going to help any. The wait is long, so when I finally get in there, I practically run to the first stall and fall in. Hunt giggles drunkenly and staggers her way to the other stall.

I sigh in relief when my full bladder is finally taken care of, glad I didn’t pee on myself after that wait. The door to the bathroom opens, letting the muffled music in and making it echo before it closes again. My brows furrow and I call Hunt’s name out, wondering if she left me. She doesn’t answer, and then I hear a soft snore coming from the stall next to me and shake my head.

And she said I couldn’t hang anymore. Look who’s passed out on the toilet. I snort out a laugh and finish my business, pulling my panties back up before opening my stall. My attention is on the stall door Hunt is behind, ready to bang on it to shock her awake. Before I can, though, feet shuffle behind me, dragging my attention away.

I glance back and see a pretty omega near the sink, looking in my direction. She looks sad and maybe a little scared, so I give her a soft smile.

“Hi. Sorry, I didn’t know anyone else was in here. I just need to wake my friend up who seems to have passed out on the toilet. This one’s free, though,” I laugh, pointing to the stall I just exited.

The omega doesn’t move, her hands twisting together.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask, stepping closer to her.

When I’m in front of her, I place my hand on her arm softly and she flinches back from the touch. My eyes widen and I pull my hand back like it’s been burned. She’s dressed for the club, but something is... off. Her copper hair is a bit of a mess and there are dark circles ringing her pretty blue eyes. I also note bruises that bracelet her wrists and her tangy lemon bar scent is sour with anxiety.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers.

Before I can ask her why she’s sorry, she reaches into the back pocket of her jeans and pulls out a needle. My throat closes up and panic sparks through me, freezing me in place, and I know my family can feel it. They’ll make it to me before anything can happen, I’m sure of it.

“I don’t have a choice. He’ll kill me if I don’t. I’m so, so sorry,” she cries, advancing on me like one would a skittish, wild animal.

I move to back up even more and hit the wall. She lunges, shoving the needle into my neck and slapping her hand over my mouth so I can’t scream. The alcohol in my system has my movements feeling sluggish, so by the time I’m batting away at her hands, I’m too late to stop her. She plunges whatever is in that needle into my body and my veins immediately begin to feel like they’re on fire as my mouth opens on a silent scream. Tears track down my face, and I stumble when she pulls the needle free, cupping the spot she injected.

The bathroom spins, my vision getting blurry. My bonds feel muted, ratcheting my panic to insurmountable levels.

Why can’t I feel them?!

Can they still feel me?

Do they know that something is wrong?

I fall against the wall, sliding down it as my legs give out and land in a heap on the dirty bathroom floor. The omega crouches in front of me, so much regret and pain in her blurry features as she cups my cheek.

“Please don’t hate me,” she whispers, lips trembling.

The door to the bathroom opens again, and a tiny ray of hope takes hold. Hope that it’s Kian or River or literally anyone that can help me. But it’s not.

Where is everyone?!

A man steps in, a beta, wearing one of the club’s t-shirts and he picks me up, carrying me out and heading down the hallway to a back exit, the omega following close by. Nobody stops him or questions anything. My head hangs limply in his hold, my eyes rolling to look in the direction that my mates are in. The hall is empty, no line for the bathroom anywhere in sight now.

Just before everything goes dark, I think about how Knight and Nico were right.

It was a bad idea to come out because apparently it wasn’t just that alpha we needed to worry about. Poor Hunt is going to blame herself and my pack is going to absolutely lose it.