Page 129 of Switch Heater

“She wants an omega’s night out tonight. Me, River, her, and Gabe,” I hedge, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt and avoiding his penetrating gaze.

“I don’t see why that would be a problem, Sweetheart. I’m sure one of us can get free to watch over you guys. Nico should be free tonight. You know he doesn’t stay at the shop all night with you and River home.”

I wince and look at him guiltily. He’s not going to be comfortable with this, but now that I’m talking to him, I realize a night out with my best friends and my omega would be great. And Hunt is right. That loser alpha that I saw following me and ran into hasn’t been seen again in months.

It was a fluke that he happened to be walking into that carnival when we were leaving. And that day at the grocery store? A case of an overactive imagination and maybe stress over my new pack at the time. I am safe and protected and loved.

“Uh, actually, she said no alphas allowed.” I can already see it in his eyes that he wants to say no, and his lips part to do just that, so I loudly say, “But! She did say she’d allow Kian to come. She wants to go to an all-beta and omega club, so we should be perfectly safe. And Kian will watch over us, I know it. Please?”

I clasp my hands together and poke my bottom lip out, giving him my biggest, pleading puppy dog eyes in hopes it will help soften him up. The pout and puppy eyes always work on alphas, right?

He sighs, clenching his jaw tight, and I swear I work hard to keep a smile from blooming because I know that sound. That is the sound of defeat, my friends.

So, this is how River got his way when he wanted me. Saucy omega.

“Have you talked to the others about this?” he finally asks.

“Nope. They’re not home yet and River is busy in his studio working on a commission. I figured I’d see what your answer would be before getting his hopes up,” I tell him with a raised brow and a playful grin.

His eyes narrow, so I quickly wipe the grin away and give him an innocent look in its place. Or try to. I’m not quite sure if I pull it off, to be honest.

“You’ll find a way to wear me down if I say no, won’t you? Probably recruit River’s help?”

I tilt my head to the side, back and forth like I’m weighing that thought around. I mean, the wearing-down thing was spot on, but I didn’t even think about getting River to help convince him. That’s a good idea, actually. Why the hell didn’t I think about that to begin with?

“All signs point to... yes,” I laugh, poking his nose. “Look, I know what happened a few months ago was scary. And our pack has done a fantastic job of keeping us safe and watching over us when we go out, but we can’t expect you all to drop whatever you’re doing every time we want to go out. I’d also like to point out that we haven’t seen that alpha around anymore since mine and River’s date to the carnival.”

Knight goes quiet, and I run my fingers along the back of his neck and over the short curls at the base of his head while I wait him out. I know it’s the alpha in him that wants to say no because he wants us safe. We don’t need their approval to go out, but out of respect for our bonds, we ask for it.

“I don’t like this, and I can promise you Nico won’t either, but if Kian goes with you, then fine. But you don’t leave his sight, okay? I’m serious, Rip. I need to know you both are safe at all times.”

I nod, looking like a damn bobblehead with how fast I bob my head up and down. That shouldn’t be too hard.

“Thank you!” I squeal, squeezing his neck tighter and kissing all over his face.

He tries not to smile, but my excitement and my kisses turn his stern frown upside down, eventually.

“Okay. I guess I should probably go tell River that we have plans tonight!” I tell him with one last peck on his lips as I get up. “Don’t work yourself to death. River and I will be very upset if you do.”

“I’ll try not to, Sweetheart,” he chuckles.

I find River in his little studio area in the basement, his hands covered in paint and his face smudged, putting the finishing touches on the piece he’s working on that someone ordered. It’s a beautiful portrait of the buyer’s grandparents who’d recently passed away. They’d been together for sixty-three years and passed away lying side by side in their bed together. River told me the story, and I just loved it, despite how sad the losses are.

“Wow,” I whisper, staring at the image he’s created that is so lifelike with amazement.

River turns around when he hears me and gives me a tiny smile, setting his brush down.

“Hey,” he breathes.

“It’s beautiful. As usual,” I tell him, giving him a smile and wrapping my arms around his waist, kissing his nose.

“Finally got it finished,” he replies proudly, looking over his work before giving me his full attention. “What’s up?”

“How does a night out sound? Omegas only.”

River’s brow raises, and he gives me a skeptical look. I roll my eyes.

“And Kian.”