Page 127 of Switch Heater

I wrap my arm around her and kiss the top of her head.

“You’d miss me too much,” she says assuredly, snuggling closer into my side.

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right, Starlight.”

“This is actually pretty peaceful. The quietness.”

“Just wait until we get to the end,” I tell her excitedly.

The sun is just about to rise when we make it to the end and step out from the trees onto a grassy cliff side. We walk to the edge, and I help her sit as she looks out with parted lips. I prop my arm on my knee and watch the sky turn from deep, dark blue to shades of orange and yellow.

The lake ripples far below us and the birds begin to sing high in the trees. Ripley is smiling, her eyes peaceful, as she watches the sun slowly come up, and I can’t look away from her as the sun shines on her face, making her glow ethereally. I’m so lucky she chose me. My heart swells in my chest, and I know she feels everything I do when she looks over at me. She leans over, touching our noses together. Her eyes glitter as she rubs her nose against mine.

“It really is a beautiful place, nugget,” she says, grinning.

“I don’t know how you do it, but I swear they’re getting worse the longer this goes on,” I reply softly, glancing down at her lips.

“You love it. I know you do!”

I squint my eyes like I’m thinking it over. In reality, I do love it. It’s something that’s just ours, despite the ridiculousness of it all. It makes her happy, as well, and anything that makes her happy will always be something I love.

“Maybe a little,” I finally say, holding my pointer finger and thumb together closely.

“Knew it,” she giggles, leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine quickly before pulling back and leaning her head on my shoulder as she watches the sky get brighter.

We sit there for a while, enjoying the tranquility and each other’s company. The silence is not awkward and there’s no need to fill it. We’re both content to listen to the trees rustle and the birds caw while the sun rises high in the sky, warming us enough that we can eventually take our jackets off.

We lay them out behind us and then lie back on them with our heads pressed together and our hands linked. Most of our morning together is spent learning new things about each other and talking about places we’ve been. Hours pass us by, but it feels like no time at all. I could lie out on this cliff with her for the entire day and be completely content.

“Hey, Kian?”


“Thank you for trusting me with your heart. I promise to take really good care of it,” Ripley whispers.

I smile at her, pressing our lips together. “I know you will, Starlight. And thank you for loving me.”

“It’s not like it’s hard to love you, my sweet beta.”

A few hours later, I ask Ripley if she’s ready to head back. She sighs but sits up.

“Not really, but I’m sure if we stay out here much longer, someone will be blowing our phones up, wondering where we are.”

“My money’s on River,” I joke, standing and giving her my hand to help her up.

“I can’t even argue with you on that because you know as well as I do that it’s definitely going to be River,” she says, placing her hands on her hips when she’s standing.

No sooner does she say that does her phone start ringing. She raises a brow at me and slides her phone from her pocket. She snorts when she sees the caller ID before answering.

“Yes, my sweet omega. What can I do for you?”

I chuckle, shaking my head, and pick our jackets up. I wait on her to finish talking to our omega before helping her back into her jacket when she finally hangs up.

“Shall we get you back to your castle before the wicked king comes and searches us out?” I ask her with a laugh.

“Most certainly, my valiant knight! Post haste!” she cries before taking off running, cackling wildly as she runs through the trees.

I’m right behind her, laughing with her as I give chase. Fuck, I love this omega.