Page 108 of Switch Heater

I grip his hand in mine, pulling him along behind me in his underwear and muttering to myself low enough under my breath that he can’t hear me.

“If I have anything to say about it, those briefs are going to disappear in just a minute.”

My steps are hurried, anticipation curling low in my gut, pushing me forward.

My first heat with partners. With alphas. I’m beyond excited and also a little nervous. I’m finally going to get those knots, that relief during a heat. Something I’ve been dreaming about for years.

Of course, it’s not just the alpha knots I’m excited about. I’m also ready to have all of them there, taking care of me in all ways and sharing such an intimate moment with me. And River.

Fuck. River is going to love this. He’s talked about how he can’t wait to be a part of my heat as a bystander, not the one having to go through it. Who knows if one day we won’t sync up? Then the stakes are really going to be raised!

As soon as we cross the threshold into the nest, I drop Kian’s hand and head directly for the pillows and blankets folded neatly in the right-hand corner, since the room was recently cleaned. He’s essentially forgotten about for the time being. Those blankets and pillows become my sole focus.

I grab a few of my and River’s favorites, the ones that smell the most like him and me, and then several of the soft Minky throws River has gifted me over the last few months. Citing that I needed to make the nest my own.

With my spoils in my greedy omega hands, I move over to one of my favorite spots in the nest, right in the center, and drop everything. I make several more trips to grab some pillows and more blankets before I drop to the floor and start arranging everything in a way that makes me feel calm and secure.

Not breaking my attention from my tasks, I ask Kian, “Can you bring me some of your shirts? Worn ones, if you have any. And some from the others, too, if you can find any of theirs.”

I say it almost absentmindedly, my back to Kian as I push and pull the blankets, rolling them and positioning them this way and that. If he replies, I don’t hear him, losing myself in the soothing action of setting everything up.

I’ve been waiting for this. Preparing for it for so long. Three years too long. Hell, even longer than that. I’ve attended all the classes, trusted my instincts, and passed every test. Now, it’s finally here and I don’t know whether to throw up or laugh until I cry. Nerves wrack my body as I look over the nesting area I’ve made once I place the last item.

My hands shake slightly, and I wince again as another cramp rolls across my belly, this one stealing my breath away momentarily. I grip my middle, breathing through the cramp as I wait for it to pass before giving my attention back to the nest.

It’s still not right. Something is missing. Quickly becoming distressed, I growl under my breath as my eyes flick across every part of my little nest, looking for the problem, for what’s wrong. My breathing gets choppy the longer I stare and find nothing, and I get panicky. It’s something I can’t see but feel that’s missing.

It has to be perfect. The perfect nest for a perfect heat. But it’s not perfect and I don’t know why.

Frustrated tears spring to my eyes and I gnaw on my lip as I keep trying to figure out why it feels wrong. I pick at it, moving some items to different spots, but then that feels wrong, so I move them back. I’m an omega, dammit. Nesting is second nature to me, for fuck’s sake. It should be easy for me to pick out the flaw, but I’m not finding it.

I sniffle, wiping my nose off on the arm of Kian’s hoodie, leaving a smear of snot behind, and cringing at the sight. Oops.

“Starlight? You okay?”

Kian’s hand comes down on my shoulder, making me jump. I turn and look up at him with big, teary eyes, hiccupping as my lip trembles.

Ah, there are those pesky omega hormones again.

“It’s not right. Something’s missing, and I don’t know what. It needs to be perfect,” I cry, on the verge of becoming hysterical.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay, beautiful. Here. Look what I found. A few of all of our shirts were in the laundry room. They haven’t even been washed yet, just like you wanted. And I brought a few extra things as well from everyone’s rooms that had our scents on them. Some quilts and pillowcases from our pillows.”

Kian hands me a pile of fabrics swathed in each of their scents. Syn’s mocha coffee grounds, Nico’s teakwood, Knight’s cider, Kian’s pine, and River’s coconut and honeysuckle. I greedily snatch my spoils from his arms and inhale deeply, all of their scents curling around me and calming me down immensely.

And just like that, my tears dry up and I’m once again a happy omega. I begin the task of threading each of their shirts and the other items Kian brought me into my nest, making sure I disperse them around evenly, humming a cheery tune under my breath.

It’s a little scary how quickly my emotions can change during my heat. From crying and panicking to happy and humming in a matter of minutes. Didn’t I say we can be psychos before?

“I’ll be right back, okay?” I hear Kian say softly behind me.

I nod my head absently, not taking my attention away from my task. This is what was missing. Pieces of them. The more they’re imbued in my space, the better I feel. Also, the hornier I become. I’m practically purring as I weave the last item in, wanting to rub my naked body all along the area to welcome them all. It’s like an itch that gets worse the longer I ignore it, burrowing under my skin until I want to claw myself to make it stop.

It takes several minutes, but I give in to that itch eventually, quickly shedding my clothes and throwing them haphazardly around the room without a care. Completely nude, I crawl my way into the center of the nest, sprawling out and rubbing myself all over the blankets, shirts, and pillows like a cat. Little sighs of pleasure puff out of me as the different fabrics glide along my naked flesh, stoking the fire barely blazing low in my core.

Where are my alphas? My omega? They should be here.

Want them.