Page 105 of Switch Heater

When we’re both as presentable as it’s going to get, I help her up, and we continue our pursuit of the exit. I’m sure whoever is manning this place is wondering what the fuck is taking so long if they haven’t checked the cameras. There’s no way there are no cameras around this place. Hope whoever checks that stuff enjoys the show of my ass moving as I pump between Ripley’s thighs.

We finally find the exit hidden behind a giant portrait depicting a gruesome murder in the underworld. When we end up on the other side of the door, we’re dropped into a room that is by far my least favorite immediately. And for good reason.

The last room is my worst nightmare.

Clowns. Fucking clowns everywhere.

“Wanna play?” a short one asks with a terrifying grin that’s all sharp teeth and blood.

I stop dead in my tracks, frozen to the spot.

No. Absolutely fucking not. Gods, I knew there was a chance for clowns, but I didn’t expect an entire room of them. All different sizes, all with horrifying masks and makeup.

“You okay, Alpha?” Rip whispers.

“Uh... Hey, Rip. Now might be a good time to tell you I have a fear of clowns,” I inform her tightly, trying my hardest to ignore the fucking clowns staring us down.

I’m expecting her to laugh or make fun of me. I’d be fine with it. Expect it even. Hell, everyone else in the pack has. But she surprises me, moving to my side and gripping my hand in hers as she rubs a hand soothingly up and down my arm.

“It’s not real, Alpha. Just keep your eyes on me. I’ll lead us out, okay? Come on, get me out of here in one piece so you can take me home later and hide me away from River for the night.”

Taking a deep breath, I latch my eyes on her. She pulls ahead, holding my hand and dragging me behind her through the room to the exit. I do as she says, my eyes not leaving her, even when I catch the clowns moving our way in my peripheral.

“Don’t run! Come play, come play!” Two of them shout to my right, grabbing hold of my arms.

“Fuck,” I mutter out, shaking my arms to get them off.

Ripley quickens her pace, and we’re almost to the door. Just a few more feet. Fuck, this was such a bad idea. Why did I think I should bring her to a haunted house? And I still have to take her to the corn maze and haunted trail. Shit.

Just as she reaches the door, a big fucker steps in front of her, causing her to step back to avoid running into him. He’s tall, clearly on stilts, with the way he towers over everyone, including me.

His makeup reminds me of that one horror show everyone has been crazy about for years. Horror something. There was this creepy-as-shit clown in one of the seasons that damn near gave me nightmares. Well, this one is my nightmare come to fucking life because that godsdamn clown is now standing between me and freedom.

“What’s the matter? Don’t you like Twisty?” the giant clown asks, bending at the waist and resting his hands on his knees.

His head turns questioningly as he looks directly at me. My nostrils flare, and I can’t look away from his red eyes.

“Not even a little,” I growl out, flinching back away from him.

“Twisty just wants a friend,” he says behind a creepy grinning mask, reaching for me.

Fuck this. I pick Ripley up, and she wraps her legs around me. Then I skirt around the giant clown and his murderous clown posse. Latching onto the handle, I rip the door open and sprint through.

The sun blinds me as the door leads us outside, and I have to blink several times to rid the spots from my eyes. Ripley can’t stop laughing when I finally put her down, cackling like a lunatic as she bends at the waist. Tears stream down her cheeks, and she’s laughing so hard that it’s silent.

“I can’t... believe...” she gasps out, “that you’re afraid of clowns.”

I glare at her. “It’s not funny.”

“But it is!” she insists, laughing. “Big, strong alpha, terrified of makeup.” She snorts.

“I take back what I said in that escape room. You’re not a good girl.”

I turn on my heel, heading back to the car.

“Aw. Hey! Come on, don’t be like that, Alpha. I’m just picking on you.” I stop, and she comes up behind me, running her hands along my back and around to my front as she follows, stopping in front of me and looking up at me while she bats her long lashes. “You’re still my big, powerful alpha,” she purrs out, running her hands along my chest.

I narrow my eyes on her.