Page 103 of Switch Heater

The third room is filled with cages. Big and small. And nearly every cage is filled with creatures with grotesque-looking makeup and masks. Banshee screams light up the area as the horrifying creatures in the cages reach for us through bars as we walk through. They grab at our clothes, arms, and legs, trying to drag us into the cages with them. Thank fuck I keep a good hold on Ripley the entire time. Though there were a few times I got a little concerned that they would succeed in wrenching her from my grip. I will say that the makeup and effects are top tier here.

There’s one room I feel takes people’s terror up a notch. A drowning room where I’m almost positive they shove one guy that’s in our group underwater in a big tank full of dirty water.

They attempted to grab Ripley first, but the growl I’d let loose had stopped whoever stood behind their mask instantly and made them quiver.

Nobody is drowning my fucking omega for some cheap thrills.

Several characters in the rooms we visit jump in front of us, getting directly in our faces. Sometimes Rip laughs, others she screams because she’s caught off guard. I laugh each time she gets spooked, and she does the same when something makes me yell or jump. Our adrenaline is running high with all the unknowns and the dark setting, our hearts beating a fast rhythm, pulses pounding, as we continue on.

The tenth room has bugs, and this one causes Ripley to scream in actual terror. Can’t say I’m particularly fond of bugs crawling on me either, but Ripley completely freaks out.

“Knight!” she screams. “Get me out of this room! Get me out, get me out, get me out!” I can hear that she’s on the verge of tears, so I pick her up and rush her out of the room and into the hallway.

She frantically pushes at her arms and hair to make sure there are no bugs on her. There aren’t, but I’m sure it still feels like there are.

“Ech! I’m all for being scared out of my mind, but bugs are where I draw the freaking line.” She gives a disgusted shiver, and I wrap her back in my arms.

“Come on. Almost done. Let’s finish this, and then I’ll take you for some food.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” She shudders.

A couple more nightmares later, we make it through to the twelfth room, which seems completely empty. A note by the door says it’s an escape room. To make it to the thirteenth and final room, and beyond that the exit, we have to find our way out of here. There’s not much light to see by, just one soft glow coming from a lamp in the room’s corner. It’s also quiet here. I can practically hear every breath that comes from Ripley’s mouth.

“Guess we’ve got to find our own way out. Looks like the people we came in with left us behind and have already moved forward,” she says absently as she walks around the room, feeling along the walls.

The room doesn’t have much in it. Some paintings on the walls, a chaise lounge pushed up in a darker corner of the room, a table, and a few chairs. I imagine this is the reason they send us inside in groups of six. So we can all assist each other in getting out of this room.

I’m sure Ripley and I can figure it out on our own. It’s doubtful they make it too hard to get out of. At least there’s nobody else in here waiting in the shadows. I search for the exit as well, eager to get this over with.

Several minutes later, I feel her behind me as she trails her fingers softly across my back. I shudder at the tingles that erupt along my skin at her touch, closing my eyes.

“Seems we’re all alone in here,” Ripley whispers sweetly behind me.

“It seems, but there could be cameras,” I advise her.

“That’s why I wore a long skirt, Alpha.” She laughs out teasingly as I groan.

I turn around, grab her hips, and push her to one of the darker areas of the room. Pressed against the wall, I nuzzle my way to the crook of her neck, inhaling that blackberry cheesecake scent that makes me want to burrow myself inside of her.

“It’s maddening when you call me Alpha, Sweetheart,” I tell her with a smirk.

“Alpha,” she replies slowly, with a whisper and a smirk of her own.

I shake my head. “Naughty girl,” I breathe out a laugh before running my tongue along the seam of her lips until she opens for me.

She moans, and I swallow it as I push my tongue into her mouth and rub it against hers. I kiss her like I’m starved, and she’s my salvation. Like she’s the very breath I need to live. I kiss her like I’ve been wanting to since that first day I walked into our living room and she was naked on top of River, sleeping peacefully.

“I won’t fuck you in here...” I trail off when I finally pull back, licking my lips.

“But?” she asks me breathlessly.

“But I will make both of us come. If you’re a good girl and keep quiet.”

She whimpers, and I catch her squeezing her thighs together, searching for pressure.

“Can you be my good girl and keep quiet, Sweetheart?” I ask her.

She nibbles on her lips, thinking about it for a minute before nodding her head slowly.