Page 93 of Switch Heater

I put them both down and pull Ripley to me. I crouch in front of the girls, and Ripley follows my lead, smiling at them.

“I’m Ripley. I’m...” She stops, looking at me.

I finish for her. “Ripley is my omega,” I tell them.

“But what about Uncle River?” Lilah asks, her little brows furrowed.

“She’s his omega, too.”

Both girls widen their eyes, their mouths making an ‘o’ shape. “Wow,” they say in unison.

“But mommy says an alpha only has one omega and that omegas don’t like other omegas with their alphas,” Violet says.

“Well... That’s true, usually. But Uncle River really loves Ripley, so he decided to keep her. We all love her,” I tell the girls, but I look directly into Ripley’s eyes as I say that we all love her.

She gives me a watery smile, biting her lip.

“That’s so sweet.” Lilah sighs dreamily.

At eight, she’s very mature for her age. Violet is only five, so she kind of follows her sister’s lead most of the time.

“Yeah, super sweet.” I hear a scoff and look behind the girls.

There stands my sister, large belly protruding from her body, rolling her eyes. I stand up, pulling Ripley up with me as I glare at Grace. The girls run off to play on the swing set my parents have set up for them, away from the adults, sensing trouble brewing.

“Hello, Grace. Always a pleasure to see you,” I growl out.

“Don’t growl at me, Syn. Gods, I can’t believe you really brought another omega here when your bonded omega isn’t with you.”

“Grace,” my mother barks in a warning.

“No, Ma. This is insanity. She’s running around with another omega when she already has one. Why am I the only one that sees the problem with this? It’s abhorrent.”

“Well, Grace. Not that it’s any of your business, but River bonded with Ripley. She wears his mark now. He’s also the one that told me to bring her, so I’d say I’m doing what my omega wanted,” I tell her, quickly becoming irritated.

Ripley places a hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly. I’ve shocked Grace with my admission, her eyes wide as she looks at the female omega at my side before she narrows them on her.

“Not possible. Omegas don’t want other omegas,” Grace sneers.

“Well, you would be wrong about River and me, then.” Ripley pulls the collar of her shirt down, proudly showing off her mark. “He bit me right here.” She runs her finger around the now healed bite lovingly.

“Not all omegas are the same. Grace, was it? It might not be normal by society’s standards, but I’ve always found that being normal is so boring. Who wants to be like everyone else when you can be yourself?” Ripley shrugs.

Grace sputters, trying to come up with something else to say, I’m sure. I don’t give her a chance, pulling Ripley away to meet everyone else. I know that’s not the last we’ll hear about this from Grace while we’re here, but I can certainly limit the foul things she spews for the moment. Ripley was right, I suppose. I don’t have to worry about Grace because clearly, she can handle her just fine. I can’t believe she just pulled her shirt down and so proudly showed her mark. I could fucking kiss the pants off her, and I would if everyone in the backyard wasn’t currently staring us down.

Gods. I’m so totally in love with this omega.



We make it through dinner without bloodshed, which I count as a win. Lilah and Violet are two of the cutest little girls, keeping us entertained throughout dinner to make up for the times when the silence becomes too awkward. Even their sour-faced mother can’t keep her chilly gaze from thawing, as the girls tell cheesy jokes or regale us with the best gossip in elementary school. So says Lilah, anyway.

Grace says no more to me while we eat, however I catch the brief glares and sneers she throws my way when Syn kisses my cheek or my hand. Every so often, one of her alphas whispers in her ear, and then those looks disappear.

She’s a beautiful omega, aside from her attitude. A tad darker than her sister, with shorter hair that is less kinky than Syn’s but still has some curl to it. Her eyes are a deep brown like her father’s, and she has full lips that sit under a little button nose. She’s also tall and willowy, with long legs that I kind of envy, although I’d never admit it out loud.

It’s strange that her alphas are so kind, but she’s... frankly, a bitch. There’s just no nice way to put it. She’s the type of person to see someone else doing what she deems unnatural or not right and tries to push her beliefs on everyone else, it seems. I hate those types of people.