Page 145 of Switch Heater

I grab onto the sides of his head and press my thumbs into his eyes before he can react. My nails dig into his scalp as I push my thumbs in, gagging at the thought of actually pushing my thumbs into his eyes fully. Victor roars as I nearly blind him and quickly releases my throat from the pain. He brings his hands up to rub at his eyes, rivulets of red sliding down his temple from where my nails must have dug in a little harder than I thought.

While he’s distracted, I grab the other knife I hid in my bra and lean up, slamming it into the other side of his neck, and then push him to his back. I straddle his chest and just completely lose it as I rage, hitting and scratching the monster beneath me, even as he tries to fight back and buck me off him.

None of it is enough, though.

“You crazy fucking omega cunt! I’m going to rip your heart out and eat it in front of that alpha bitch mate of yours!” Victor screams at me, infuriating me even more.

I rip one knife out of his neck. When his mouth opens to scream again, I grip his tongue with my nails and stab the knife through the fucking thing with a growl. My chest is heaving as I try to catch my breath. Victor’s eyes are closed, but I can tell he’s still breathing, although faintly. His face and chest are clawed up, deep scratches gouged into his skin. One knife is through his tongue and bottom lip, while the other is still lodged deep in his neck. Blood is steadily trickling out of the side that no longer has a knife in it. My nails and fingers are bloody, and my fists feel bruised as I stumble to my feet, feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. I lean on my knees, dry heaving as my body tries to purge out whatever is in my body, but there’s nothing to come out.

I take deep breaths, trying to center myself. Sirens blare in the distance, and I nearly collapse in relief. They found us. I don’t know how I know that. I just do. Maybe it’s the relief I feel coursing through me from my bonds. Maybe it’s just this deep sense of knowing that tells me my mates are close.

Tears stream down my face as I stumble over to Cozy’s limp form hanging on the wall. Her back looks so bad, and I bite my lips as I smooth the hair out of her face and cup her cheek. She looks at me through bleary eyes, tears staining her cheeks and chin.

“It’s over. Let’s go home,” I whisper to her, and a sob pushes free as she hangs her head.

I shakily walk back over to where Victor lies and dig into his pockets to see if I can find the keys to unlock Cozy’s wrists and ankles. I finally find them and scramble back to her, unlocking the cuffs on her ankles first and then her wrists. She falls in a heap, and I catch her, trying to be mindful of the wounds on her back. She hisses in pain when I accidentally brush against her back, and I apologize to her.

I wrap my arm around her waist since it has the least amount of marks and help her stand. We slowly make our way to the door, and I keep my eyes on Victor’s prone form as we open it and shuffle out of the room. I keep my eyes on him until I can’t see him anymore, holding my breath the entire time. Cozy leads us down a short hallway to the stairs, and we quicken our pace as we make our way down. I don’t pay any attention to our surroundings, my sight laser-focused on the door I see in front of us. Freedom.

The sun is rising as we cross the threshold of the door and make our way outside, slamming it closed behind us. I lower us down to the concrete beneath us, my arms giving out as all the adrenaline that flooded my body when I wrapped the rope around Victor’s throat flows out of my system, leaving me feeling weak. We lean against the door, her with her shoulder, so it doesn’t touch her back. She lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes, sobbing. The sound of the sirens gets closer and closer until it’s all I can hear. I close my eyes and rest my head against Cozy’s as exhaustion overtakes me.

“Thank you,” Cozy whispers, sniffling.

“No, thank you, Cozy. If you hadn’t done what you did, I’m not sure I would have gotten the opportunity myself. You put yourself at risk, and for the pain he caused you, I am so sorry.” I cry, patting her hair.

“I was prepared to die. You could have left me.”

“I told you I wasn’t leaving without you.”

I can see the flashing red and blue when the sound of the sirens reaches deafening heights. Tires squeal as all the vehicles hit their breaks, police officers and medics flooding the area. I sob in relief when I hear my name being called as footsteps try to rush to me, only to be blocked by someone.


“Little Bird!”


I look up and see all of them there, a wall of police officers holding them back as they try to get to me. Syn, Kian, Knight, River, and Nico all stand maybe twelve feet away from me, varying degrees of relief and love written all over their faces, as they see me safe and alive.

“Go. I’m fine,” Cozy breathes out against me, and I glance at her with a frown.

“I will once I know you’re okay,” I tell her stubbornly.

I seem to have grown attached to the broken omega at my side. Not romantically, though she is beautiful. I’d say our trauma has bonded us to one another. I have a feeling that Cozy is going to become someone very special and close to my heart.

“Go to your mates, Ripley. Let them hold you. I’m alive because of you, so don’t worry about me now. You did it. You got us out,” she whispers to me hoarsely, still crying but also giving me the smallest hint of a smile of gratitude.

I bite my lip in indecision as I look back at my bonded. EMTs are making their way to us, two stretchers being pulled along. I sit there until I can’t take it a moment longer and jump up, running to them.

“You’re going to need a third stretcher!” I yell at the people walking by.

The EMTs try to stop me, but I slide right past them and go around the officers that try to grab me, right into the loves of my life’s arms. They surround me as I snuggle into the first person I can. Spiced cider fills my nostrils, and I sob into Knight’s chest as I wrap my arms around his waist. Coconuts and honey suckle hits me next as River curls around my back and sticks his nose in the crook of my neck, reassuring himself that I’m here. The rest of them find a free spot and wrap around me, each of them finding a way to touch me. Nico’s teakwood scent and Syn’s coffee grounds and mocha are next. Lastly, Kian’s pine scent wafts over me, and I relax instantly in their hold, sighing.

“Thank fuck, Baby Girl. We were so damn worried,” Syn sobs, kissing the side of my head.

“Are you okay, Kitten? Anything broken?” Nico fires off next, hands moving all over me to check for injuries.

He growls when he sees my neck after sliding my hair to the side. They all stiffen when they take note of the damage to my neck and face. Knight’s nostrils flare when I look up at him and give him a wobbly smile with teary eyes.