Page 107 of Switch Heater

I need a cuddle, stat. Maybe a little more.

I strain my ears to listen for any noise the farther into Kian’s tidy room I venture. The sound of his shower running finally catches my attention, and I sigh in relief, taking a seat on the edge of his bed, Knight’s shirt riding up my thighs. Something about today feels different. I just can’t put my finger on what.

While I wait, I become restless, so, naturally; I commence snooping. It’s the obvious answer to restlessness, didn’t you know?

The pictures I find of him and the pack together make me feel all warm and fuzzy. I’m a part of this now. Soon, there will be pictures like this with me in them. My family. My pack. A shiver of pleasure creeps down my spine as I think about how I have everything I’ve been praying for, finally.

Back to my snooping. His drawers bear nothing out of the ordinary other than junk, so I quickly close those. That’s when I find my way to his closet, rifling through his clothes.

I’m deep in the back, rifling where all of his hoodies are when I hear the water shut off and him walk out of his bathroom. My hand freezes midair, reaching for a big purple hoodie I found that looks soft as hell and warm. I quickly snatch it down, shoving my arms and head through, before peeking out of Kian’s closet like a complete freak and not an ounce of shame.

My mouth goes dry as I drink Kian in. He’s facing away from me, digging in his dresser drawers for clothes. A towel is wrapped around his hips, and I’m absolutely hoping he drops it before he notices I’m in his closet creeping on him. Water droplets drip enticingly down the taut expanse of his back, dipping into the grooves. His glasses are nowhere in sight for the moment and fuck, does he look scrumdiddlyumptious.

I get my wish on him dropping that towel a couple of minutes later and there’s no swallowing down the whimper that puffs out of me. My mouth goes drier than the Sahara and I nearly choke on my tongue. Nice, tight ass and long, muscular legs are the first things I see. Then he turns around and I get my first glimpse of his cock. His hard cock, I might add.

What is it they say? It’s the quiet ones you need to watch out for?

Godsdamn. Kian’s cock is a work of art. Long and thick, with a wide flared head. My pussy flutters at the sight of his enormous cock, like the hussy she is, leaving my panties soaked. I’m fucking drooling in his closet, perving out on him, and I can’t even find it in me to feel ashamed. In fact, not only am I not ashamed, but I’m also already thinking up all the positions I want him to contort my body into.

Too quickly, he’s pulling his underwear on, covering up that monster between his thighs, shielding it from my insatiable eyes. This time, he hears it when I whine. His eyes snap to the closet, squinting before turning around and grabbing his glasses.

“Starlight? Why are you in my closet?” He asks perplexed, coming to where I am and taking my hand.

I get distracted from answering as he stands in front of me, in just his tight underwear. Solid pecs, washboard abs, and one of those sexy as fuck V’s. Oh, Gods, he’s got that ‘V’ thing that leads into his pants and makes you want to find out where it leads to. Except, I know what the hell it leads to, and I have never wanted something more.

“Rip?” he calls when I take too long to respond.

“Huh? Oh. Um. I woke up alone and couldn’t find anyone...” I say, trailing off as I drag my eyes down his body, licking my dry lips.

“So, you were trying to see if they were in my closet?” he asks, but I can hear the amusement in his words.

My cheeks heat, another warm spell rolling through me. I shudder, wincing as a sharp pain tugs in my belly. My brows furrow as I wrap an arm around my middle, my brain trying to tell me something.

“Hey, you okay?”

Kian touches my back lightly, rubbing it back and forth, and I lean into his touch. That feels nice. Like a balm to my quickly overheating body. And that’s when the realization comes to me, making me groan.

I’m such an idiot. The moodiness, the slight fever, and now the stomach cramps. My heat is coming. Early. I should still have a few more weeks, but maybe I calculated wrong.

Shit. We haven’t planned for a heat yet. Nobody is home except Kian. We still have a little time, I think, but not long once I get in the nest.

Oh, the nest. I nearly sigh out dreamily just thinking about getting in there and making it perfect for all my mates to come in to. My mind is reeling as I think of everything I’m going to need. A few shirts from each of them, preferably ones they’ve worn, lots of lube, just in case. I’m suddenly super grateful for getting that stupid implant now. The pain was definitely worth it0 if it does its job. I guess we’ll see.

“I don’t feel too great,” I mumble. “Will you come snuggle with me in the nest?” I ask, my words tinged with a bit of a whine. Something he won’t be able to say no to, not that I think he would.

He nods, giving me a look of concern. “Of course, Starlight. Let me just get dressed and-”

“No!” I practically shout, interrupting him, before clearing my throat. “Uh, I mean, can you not? I-I... Um... I’d like to feel your skin against mine. If that’s okay?” I stumble around with my words, feeling a little self-conscious for some reason.

What if he doesn’t want to cuddle with me without clothes? What if he doesn’t want to help with my heat? A lump forms in my throat at the thought. Things are still really new with Kian. We’ve only shared a few kisses with each other. This is a tremendous leap from swapping saliva.

Not being in the nest, I’m beginning to feel uneasy. This is always how my heats start. The emotional turmoil should have been my first clue. There’s been plenty of times over the last week or so that my emotions have been all over the place, but I kept shaking it all off.

Stomach cramps and a slight fever are next. The urge to nest, to have a pretty, comfortable space to bring my mates into, that comes after, and it’s only going to get harder to ignore the longer I wait. It’s also my safe space, all comfy blankets and plenty of room, but not too much, and the omega in me is screaming to get in there.

Even at the Center, that nesting urge was there. I may have known there would be no alphas that would show up for me, but the omega in me couldn’t compute that with a heat-riddled brain. The only thing I could ever think about is how it needed to be perfect for them, for us.

“Yeah, okay. Come on,” Kian finally says after staring at me with a quizzical look.