The melted chocolate and fruit seems to be the only thing we’ve spoke and not argued about so far since his return.
I take one before he has a chance and dip it into the chocolate heaven.
It. Tastes. Amazing.
“Your eyes are rolling, baby girl.”
“Try it and you’ll understand why,” I tell him, ignoring his baby girl comment.
I’m too busy enjoying the treats on the skewer I’m holding to pay him much attention.
“I haven’t had melted chocolate in years.”
“Maybe if you didn’t go get yourself caught with whatever you were doing, you’d have been enjoying it for ten years longer and telling me you’re sick of it by now.” My mouth starts to feel sticky from all the gooey sweetness, so I pick up the napkin next to my drink and wipe at my lips before taking a sip of juice to wash it down.
“You don’t know why I was there?” he asks hesitantly, looking at me inquisitively now.
“Am I supposed to know?” I ask him.
He doesn’t say a word.
“No one really tells me anything,” I explain before getting my next skewer and dunking it into the chocolate again.
His hand is on my arm, stopping me from putting anything into my mouth. He pushes my arm to put the sweet stick onto my plate.
I find myself gazing curiously at him.
“Did your dad not tell you?” he asks.
“No.” We’re watching each other rather intently considering there’s far nicer things we could be doing right now. Like eating chocolate covered strawberries and marshmallows.
“Are you going to tell me?” I ask him.
He comes out of his daze, shakes his head as if to get rid of the thoughts inside of his head.
“There were two men in our family, our club, not literal, biological family,” he explains, “that I’d had my eye on a while. They’d been planning something and I needed to know what.” I wait patiently, wondering where this is going. “So I go into their rooms when they’re not around, look around and I find some notes.” He stops, looks down.
“Plans to kidnap a child.” He takes a deep breath, a breath so large it’s as if it takes a physical toll on him to tell me.
“They’d planned it perfectly, and no one would have found them if they’d gone through with it,” he says. “They were supposed to go through with it that night. So I found one of the men, tied him up, and went through his phone. They were going to kidnap the child for a ransom from her family. They had a list of kids they were going to take. It wasn’t just the one. They were undercover, dealing with The Enforcers.” He stops for a moment. His face is breaking, his arrogance gone. This is obviously difficult for him.
“There were messages between them on their phones about who would get to rape the child first, the things they’d do to her.” I unintentionally gasp, covering my mouth with my spare hand to try and derail the shock spiralling through me. I’m not stupid, I know awful things happen in the world but to hear that it had nearly happened so close to home is terrible.
“The things they had planned for her I can't even repeat, I don’t want to and I can't. They had a man on the inside, in prison at the time that was in on it too.”
I watch him as he brings his face up to find mine.
“I killed the one man there and then. I was beyond angry, I was furious. I slaughtered him, ripped him limb from limb, Charlie. I couldn’t stop myself even if I had wanted to. I had never, and to this day have still never, lost control like that before.” Jesus. I can’t even imagine what I’d do if I found information like that.
“I found the next man, but before I got there, I realised that I had to do it in public because I needed to go down to get this man on the inside. We have ties, connections, and many of them, but none of our men are behind bars,” he says as he takes a deep breath again. “I found the second man in the square in town. I went up to him, paralysed him, ripped his cock off, and shot him in the head, and got sent down to do the same to the other one that was involved.”
“I was supposed to be in there for eight years, even though I’d given the police all the evidence to prove why I’d done it. The judge commended me for my service to the child.” He chuckles at that. “As if he was grateful. The extra years were for killing whilst inside.”
“I’m so sorry.” I don’t know if he needs to say more, if there is more to his story, but I need him to know. I had judged him so harshly for so long, I can’t help but feel awful.
I stand up, walk towards him, and crouch at his side.
“I always hated you for leaving,” I say. “I mean I don’t think I could ever actually hate you but it felt that way. I hated that you’d left me, that someone I loved so much had put the Club before me.” I’m so ashamed of myself. Even if I didn’t know, I should have known that he wouldn’t get himself locked up for a reason that wasn’t good. Wasn’t needed.