Page 79 of Zeke


The relief I feel at seeing Savage drive up in the truck is immeasurable. This entire raid took less time than I expected, but then again, it wasn’t like we were dealing with someone with resources like Torque or Attila. This is just some guy who has a really fucked-up idea of how he should interact with a girl he likes—or anyone at all, really.

Savage climbs down out of the cab of the truck and comes to me, giving me a kiss.

“Safe and sound,” I say, smiling up at him. He returns the expression, and we walk around the truck together to watch Charge take care of Kira. She’s coming to as we approach. She holds her head as she sits up and looks around, her eyes falling on Zeke. Her face breaks into a wide smile and she cries.

“I knew you’d find me,” she sobs, and Zeke strong-arms his way past Charge to hold her for a moment, but then Charge forces them apart.

“Let me look her over,” he says, putting a hand on Zeke’s shoulder. “She’ll be all yours once I make sure she’s okay.”

Zeke presses his lips together in displeasure but backs up anyway. Charge runs his hand over her head, then feels for her pulse and listens to her breathing.

“Do you remember how he knocked you out?” Charge asks her.

“It was…” She frowns, clearly trying to remember and struggling. “Some kind of liquid on a cloth… That stuff. Um… I can’t remember the name.” She looks worried. “I know what it’s called but I can’t remember the name.”

“Chloroform,” Charge says, looking at those of us who are gathered around. “She’ll probably be just fine. It can cause a little bit of a daze as it wears all the way off.” He looks at Kira with a kind smile. “Which means you don’t need to worry about not remembering. It’s normal for now. If it’s still happening in a few days, come talk to me. Until then…” He turns to Zeke. “You’ll be taking care of her?”

Zeke nods and takes Kira’s hand, but then drops it suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

He turns to look at her, then glances at me. “I’m going to meet you back at home, okay?” he says to her. “I need to finish up here first.”

She bites her lip, obviously concerned about what that might entail, but she nods, accepting that he has to do what he has to do. Charge picks her up and puts her in the cab.

Savage kisses me on the head and says, “Be careful. I’ll see you at home.”

“I will,” I tell him. “Don’t go ripping out your stitches.”

He gives me a look that I know means I’ll be in trouble later—something I’m heartily looking forward to—then he climbs up into the cab of the truck.

“Justice, Eli, Pony,” I say, and they all perk up at the mention of their names. “You guys are going to head back, too. I’m gonna wrap this up with Zeke, and Brawler can give us a little extra muscle if we need it.”

None of them look happy at the notion of being dismissed before the task is totally done, but they nod. Pony climbs onto his bike, but Eli and Justice climb into the bed of the truck so Savage can take them back to their bikes where we left them. I see the concern in Eli’s eyes. He knows why I’m sending him away. It’s because he has a level head. The logic and reason. Right now, I know how angry Zeke is, and while I should probably be seeking Eli’s influence, I’m not really one to take the high road.

So whatever Zeke decides… that’s what he’ll get.

I hear the idiot kidnapper moaning and complaining from inside the cabin. I roll my eyes at the theatrics. I’m sure it hurts like hell, but does he have to be so loud about it?

“Maybe Charge should have hung back,” Brawler says, frowning toward the open door.

“Why?” Zeke asks. “He’s not our problem. Well, he is, but his well-being isn’t. He kidnapped Kira and knocked her out with chloroform. As far as I’m concerned…” He sighs and trails off, not finishing his thought.

“As far as you’re concerned, what?” I ask, but he doesn’t say, so I prompt him. “What do you want to do about this guy?”

Zeke snorts derisively and looks back at the cabin. “If I had my way, I’d burn the whole damn thing to the ground,” he says, then looks at me. “But, and I hate this, but I get the feeling Kira wouldn’t want me to do that. While I want this guy to die a slow, painful death by fire, I think the best move for me right now is to just go home and be with her.”

I stare at my brother for a few moments. I was stunned by this moment of personal growth. He is the same high-tempered, easily agitated Zeke, but something about this girl has gotten through to him in a way that helps him to tone down his worse habits and traits.

Finally, I smile and hug him. “Go.” I nod my head toward the truck, which still hasn’t left. “Be with her. She’ll need you.”

“What about him?” he asks, indicating the cabin.

“I think I can take care of him just fine,” I say with a half laugh. “Not my first time dealing with a moron who got in our way.”

Zeke smiles at me and kisses my head before turning away from me. He runs and jumps in next to Eli, then presses his hand against the glass, which Kira does from the other side.