Page 64 of Zeke

“Yeah, you are,” I say with a slight laugh. “Well worth the wait.”

“I’m glad you think so,” she replies in mock offense, pretending like she’s going to pull away, but I hold her to me.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I run a hand through her hair.

She looks up at me, her eyes wide and trusting. “Nowhere without you.”

I grip her tightly, wanting more than anything for those words to be true. It took me far too long to get her, and I have no intention of letting her go anywhere or to anyone else without a fight. Fuck whoever sent her those flowers. She’smine, and I won’t let a damn thing happen to her, no matter who the hell threatens her.

She folds herself into me, and I want to tell her right then and there that I love her, that I have for a while, but as perfect as the moment is, as absolutely serene and wonderful as I feel, I can wait. There will be plenty of time, plenty of moments when I can tell her. It’s not like my feelings will change.

I make love to her again, something I’ve never done with anyone. Up until her, it’s always been hard, fast fucks with no feeling behind them other than the need for release. With Kira, it’s different. It’s about connecting with her rather than it being about me. It’s brand new, and I plan to keep it as fresh and wonderful for as long as I can because I never want to lose this feeling.

Eventually, we drift off to sleep, her legs tangled in mine and her head resting on my chest. My nose is buried in her hair so I fall asleep to her sweet smell. It’s the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. At first, I wake up confused, not knowing where I am after having rested so soundly. When I feel Kira wrapped around me, I remember, and my entire body relaxes into hers.

I hold her for a while, enjoying the feeling of being there with her, of knowing she’s really, truly mine. I kiss her gently on the head before carefully pulling my arms and legs away from hers so I don’t disturb her. I want to surprise her when she wakes up, and to do that, I need to get downstairs before—

“Where are you going?” she asks tiredly from behind me as I pull on a pair of pants.

I turn back to her to see her propped up on her elbow, her gorgeous hair falling over her bare shoulders and making me want to jump back into bed with her to spend our day doing nothing that involves clothes of any kind. But there’s nothing that says we can’t enjoy a coffee to boost our energy after a long night before diving back in.

Or afterIdive back into her. Again, and again, and again.

“I’m heading downstairs for some coffee.” I sit beside her on the bed and brush her hair back from her face. She smiles sleepily and leans her face against my hand as I cup her cheek. It fits perfectly in my palm, and a rush of affection for her takes me by surprise with how pure it is. I don’t shy away from the carnal aspects of life, so when something like this comes along, it’s all the more sweeter.

“Mm…” she moans, and I’m transported to last night when she made those noises while wrapped around me. It’s nearly enough to get me to change my mind about going downstairs, but then she says, “That sounds amazing.”

Damn. If there was one thing she could have done to get me out of that room, it was to make any indication she wanted me to get her something unavailable within these four walls. I hide my disappointment that she isn’t begging me to stay instead of going, and kiss her on the lips, then on the head. She sighs and leans into the gesture, and I force myself to turn away.

“I’ll be right back,” I promise her and watch as she grins and falls back to the pillow, pulling the sheet up to her chin.

“Don’t be gone too long,” she says with a yawn as I close the door.

Oh, I won’t be. Not with her waiting for me.

I get to the kitchen and see someone is already there, the last person I hoped to run into first thing in the morning. Or ever again, but we take what we can get, right?

Julia stands there, leaning against the counter and looking out the back window to the yard where Country is awake and playing with Tardy. Her hands are wrapped tightly around a steaming mug of coffee, and I can’t blame her for wanting to stay inside instead of joining him out there. It’s almost freezing out. I feel a draft on my feet, and this house rarely lets in cold air.

When I walk in, Julia looks up at me. Her eyes go wide for a minute as I approach her, but I don’t intend to make or continue any issues. I’m here for coffee.

I reach over her head to where the mugs are and watch her flinch as my hand comes near her head.

I sigh, knowing I should say something reassuring, but to be honest, I’m not happy with her either. We’re in the same boat as far as our siblings having been attacked, and I remind myself she’s had a hard time in the house without many people she can rely on. Now her closest friend is in the bed of someone she doesn’t care for or trust.

“Look,” I say, trying for the right words. “I know you’re probably feeling pretty fucking alone right now, and I know I haven’t been helping. But what do you say to a truce for now?”

She gives me a skeptical look.

“I mean, both Eden and Savage got attacked, and they’re on their way home—both of them. That means when they get here, we can find out what happened and get closure on this whole thing. Until then, we don’t have to be at each other’s throats because that will make life hard for both of us. I think we’re both reasonable enough that we can be cool, at least for a couple of days. Don’t you?”

Ifeelthe mistrust coming off her in waves, even if I couldn’t see it written all over her face. She frowns and chews her lip, then sips her coffee.

“Okay,” she says with a shrug. “It’s not like you were the one who shot him. And if Eden gets him back alive, that’s all that matters.”

I nod at her, and she returns the gesture, then goes to the door to join Country outside. He sees her coming and lights up. He throws a ball for Tardy, then goes to Julia and kisses her on the cheek. She holds up her coffee cup for him, and he takes a sip.

Good for them. It’s about time, and maybe it’ll help Julia relax.