“He should be okay there for now,” Savage says, putting an arm around my shoulder.
I want nothing more than to melt into him and have him take me upstairs and fuck me until I’m a puddle on the bed.
But I have to take care of business first.
“Good,” I say. “We have some stuff to take care of. Savage, you and I are going to Miami.” He looks mildly surprised but says nothing. He’s not one to undermine me in front of people, but he’ll always tell me if it’s a bad idea when we’re alone. Every so often, I listen. “Savage has some stuff to fix there, which those of us who were here in the kitchen know about. We should be gone only a few days—a week at the most.” I look at my brothers. “You two are in charge. Equally. I don’t want to hear a fucking peep from anyone that you tried to pull rank over the other because you might be finding yourself a new home and family if you try that shit, especially while I’m gone.”
They both have the decency to at least pretend to be embarrassed by their behavior. They shoot each other furtive looks, like they’re checking to see if the other one is also respecting my orders.
They nod, and Eli goes up to his room, as he’d wanted to before, while his twin hangs around for a few minutes.
“Zeke,” I say, and he looks at me. “I mean it. I need you and Eli to not kill each other while I’m gone.”
It seems like he has a lot to say, but he looks out the window to where Savage has Wizard tied up. Then his eyes come back inside, but they’re on Savage rather than me.
“Just fix it,” he says. “Get this asshole out of our town.”
Savage gives him a questioning look, but I don’t pay any attention to it. I simply nod, then march past my brother, my husband, and Pony, and head up to the room Savage and I share.
When I get inside, Savage comes in behind me and closes the door, then wraps his arms around me from behind.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I’m sorry for bringing this down on you—on us. I never thought things from the old club would follow me here.”
I turn to him and put my hands on either side of his face. I look up and feel myself melting against him. I don’t have long before he manages to undo me as he always does, so I say what I need to before he can.
“I don’t need apologies,” I tell him softly. “I don’t need you to be sorry. I need you to fix it.”
He nods, and his agreement makes me feel strong enough to be weak for him, and I allow myself to fall into him.
Iwatch Eden and Savage go in the truck. It kills Eden to not be on her bike, but she can’t trust Wizard to ride his own, and she definitely won’t let him share with her or Savage since the guy’s obviously insane.
By the time night falls, everyone is back home, and I call for them to come to Church. Zeke looks at me with narrowed eyes. He’s pissed off that he didn’t get to be the one to do it, since not too long ago, Eden labeled me her actual VP over him. It may be different now, but the original decision still happened, and it will be in everyone’s mind.
Once everyone is in the room, I clap my hands once.
“All right, everyone,” I say. “As you know, Eden and Savage went to Miami to deal with this Wizard situation, but that doesn’t mean the threat is gone. We don’t know if he was working with anyone else, and we have the lingering threat of every other damn club in the country who thinks that we shouldn’t have a woman running our MC.”
A grumble goes through the room. Everyone in here chose Eden and the Kings because they believe in her and our club—no one was forced to stay or join after our dad died. I look around and see Julia is missing again. Must be working late at the bakery. “We have one of our own who isn’t here and safe most of the time, so I want our people to keep doing drive-bys to make sure that Julia and Kira are okay. The last thing we need is someone thinking they’re an easy target and zeroing in on them.”
I glance at Zeke and see that he smiles when I say Kira’s name. I realize I’ve been keeping myself so busy that I haven’t given any time to the chase. I curse myself silently and make a promise to myself that I’ll spend some time showing Kira that I’m the right choice this week.
Hopefully I still have time and Zeke hasn’t already beaten me to it.
After Church, I go up to my room and lie in bed, thinking about how I’ll approach Kira and how I’ll make myself the more attractive candidate.
Of course, that line of thinking only lasts so long before I find myself thinking about Kira in a completely different manner. Suddenly, I’m thinking about her in lingerie I bought her, her hair down from its usual ponytail and cascading over her shoulders, standing in the doorway of my bedroom, outlined in the dim light from the hall.
I unbutton my pants and reach inside. I’m already hard from the mental image I’ve created. By the time I’ve envisioned her moving to the edge of my bed, I’m throbbing.
“I choose you,” the fantasy version of Kira says into my ear as she swings her legs over mine, straddling me. She puts a hand on my chest and pushes me onto my back.
In reality, I lie staring at my ceiling, my hand running along my length beneath my boxers, but I don’t last long before I pull my aching cock free of its restraints and stroke it fully. I allow myself to continue the fantasy, imagining how it would feel, smell, sound, and look when I slip inside Kira. The way her arms would go around my neck with a gasp, the warm, slick feeling of her surrounding me. The sweet smell of her wetness as it would gush from her at my very touch.
The image is so strong that I come within a few minutes. I clean myself up and go to sleep, ready to greet the day by getting one over on Zeke and spending time with my girl.