“You think we have a problem, Prez?” Justice asks, looking in the rearview again.
“I don’t know,” I reply. “But I sure as hell plan to find out.”
We pull into the driveway and around the back of the house, where Justice parks the truck. I climb out first, then pick up Tardy to carry him inside.
Eli comes rushing out, though, and he takes the dog from my arms with a smile.
“Boy, are you in for a treat,” he says half to me and half to Tardy.
“Why?” I ask suspiciously.
“Just come on in,” he says. “It’s better if you see it.”
I follow behind him, unsure of what to expect. When I open the door so Eli can keep both hands on Tardy, I’m surprised when I hear a cheer go up from everyone inside.
More than half the club is gathered in the living room, and they’re all clapping for him. A big, homemade sign readsWelcome Home, Bastard!A dog bed and a basket full of toys are set up in the corner.
“You guys did this while we were gone?” I ask, and Zeke steps forward.
“It was a group effort,” he says. “We wanted to show that we’re glad to have him here, and we want him to be as comfortable as possible.”
“Thanks, Zeke.” I turn my attention to the others. “This is great, y’all.”
Justice puts Tardy in his new bed, and the dog licks him as he stands.
Everyone crowds around to offer him treats and toys, but he’s still out of it. He doesn’t seem upset by the attention, though, so I leave it alone. Instead, I turn to Zeke, who’s talking to Country.
“You two. Church. Now.”
Zeke and Country follow me to the room where we have Church, and I shut the door behind us.
“What’s wrong?” Zeke says first, his face filled with worry. He knows I wouldn’t drag them in here away from everyone else if it wasn’t important.
“Not sure.” I cross my arms and lean against a table. “Might be nothing, might be something.” I pull out my phone and open my photos to show them the picture I took of the plate. “Damn it.”
“What?” Country asks.
I turn the phone around to show them the screen. I managed to get only half the license plate with my picture.
“This truck might have been following us.” I tend to be a little more cautious than necessary, but I also know these two will take it as seriously as I do. “I saw it twice. Once after the vet, and before that… I can’t remember. But it was definitely the same truck.”
“What do you need us to do?” Zeke asks, handing me my phone.
“I want you two to keep an eye out. Any runs you take, you look for this truck and see if you can get the whole plate. Make sure anyone you go with knows the drill.”
“You got it, Prez,” says Country. “Whatever you need, you got it.”
“Thanks.” I lock my phone and put it in my pocket. I look at the two of them, then nod to Country to give me and Zeke a minute alone.
“What’s up?” he asks once Country shuts the door to the common areas. I wanted this part to be private.
“I don’t know who could be coming after us,” I say. “It could technically be something totally innocent and coincidental, but I believe in coincidence as much as I believe Torque will rise from the dead and be a better person than he was before he died.”
“You’re not gonna get an argument outta me,” he says, mirroring my posture by crossing his arms and leaning on the table opposite me.