Page 15 of Zeke

“Because I don’t know you, but you seem like you could really use a friend, and, if possible, a way out. I’d like to help if I can.”

“Well, unless you can bring my—” She stops, her eyes going a bit wide as she blurts out something she obviously doesn’t intend to. “Never mind. Yes, I would really appreciate your help.”

Julia and I talk a while longer and discover, despite our vastly different life paths, we have more in common than I thought we would.

“You know,” I say after a while, “I think I have an idea about how I can help you.”

“Really?” Julia says, her eyes lighting up.

“Yeah.” I tell her my plan, and she’s so thrilled that she hugs me when I’m done talking.

“I can’t believe you’d do that for me.”

“Well. I can’t make any promises, but I do my best.”

“The fact that you’d even try means… it means everything.”

I smile at her, glad to be making a new friend. Julia seems tough and maybe a little rough around the edges, but she’s soft underneath. I like that she’s got layers to her. It makes her more interesting.

We’re still talking and petting Bastard together, each of us occasionally giving him a muffin that nearly swallows whole, when Eli and Zeke finally return to the kitchen. I glance at them, wondering if they know I heard their argument. They don’t seem to, but they’re definitely in foul moods with stormy expressions.

I stand and give Julia another hug, then turn to the boys. “I’ve got to get back to work. But it was great to see you both. Y’all be good while I’m not around, okay?”

The words are teasing, but I was serious. I hope they understand I don’t want them to fight.

But then again… I’d be lying if I said it isn’t thrilling to think about it.



Talking to Kira makes me feel like there might be a life outside of the club.

I’ve never had a life outside of a club. My brothers and I were raised in the lifestyle, and my club in Miami is one of the few that let women join—with a cost. It was completely immersive. Once you were in, you were in. No outside connections, no friends outside the club, nothing. Everything you did was with and for the club.

Now I’m looking at a whole different life. Being in the Ruthless Kings leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth because of the problems that came with joining under a person who killed my brother—something I didn’t find out until I was already immersed in the club. I’m lucky that I’m in a club at all.

But then, maybe I don’t want that as much as I always thought I did.

Kira and I sit in the kitchen, talking and playing with the dog, who seems to be in good spirits despite the hurt leg and hunger. Not anymore, though. Now he is well fed with whatever the others gave him all day and the muffins Kira brought, which are nearly gone.

“I can’t believe you’d do that for me,” I say as she tells me her idea. I almost want to cry at her genuine kindness. Almost. I don’t—I’ve never been great at vulnerability. But if anyone might be able to bring it out in me, it’s this new friend.

When Eli and Zeke come back in, Kira blushes. Then she stands and hugs me before heading back to work, leaving me with Eden’s brothers.

We stand there in silence, and I feel the tension hitting me like a ton of bricks. I don’t want to talk to these guys. I don’t want to be around the guys who watched while my brother was killed. I don’t say a word as I walk out of the room. I don’t make it far before the Prez shows up with Justice and someone I’ve never seen before. I nearly run right into her, and the brush of contact almost makes me shudder.

She looks slightly shaken at first, but then she regains her composure and gives me a neutral look. Good. At least I’m under her skin as much as she’s under mine.

“I was just leaving.”

“Oh, really?” Eden says like she wants me to stay, though her eyes tell a different story. “You don’t have to.”

I know I don’t have to, but I want to. I definitely don’t want to spend another awkward second in her presence. Without another word, I walk around her as I hear everyone else talking behind me.

I move through the house, unsure where I’m going but determined to find something to take my mind off everything going on. I don’t want to focus on “Big Red” and her idiot brothers. I would have liked to spend more time with Kira, but we’ll have plenty of time for that soon.

Luckily, I find Tia and Rosa in the game room playing some darts.