Page 50 of Brewing Brilliance

“Haha, seems like I’m just in time.”

“Apparently. Do you need help with anything?”

“Um, do you have a cart by chance? I still have three more boxes to bring in.” At my wide eye expression, Olive lets out a peel of laughter. “Yeah, my brother might have gone a little overboard, but he wanted to make sure there was plenty and something for each kid. He knows how picky they can be.”

I instantly melt because of course Mav would want to make sure there was something for everyone. I try to hide my tears as I go and find the cart we use from time to time.

“Will this work?”

“Yes, that’s perfect. Sorry for bringing up Mav. If it’s any consolation, he’s been absolutely miserable, and I think he seriously regrets his choices.”

“No, it doesn’t really make me feel better. I want him to be happy. Even if that’s not with me.”

“Sorry, you’re right.” She gives me a quick hug before heading out to grab the rest of the food. I busy myself with unloading all of the food and can’t help but smile when I see all of his crazy creations. There are hot dogs that look like mummies, green mac n cheese with eyeballs, dirt and worms, and so much more. Olive brings the rest of the food in, and we have everything ready for when the kids get back from art.

“Holy shiii…take mushrooms. Mav went above and beyond with this spread.” I can’t help but laugh at her almost slip up.

“He sure did. Let’s go get these kiddos set up so we can enjoy some delicious treats.”

The next hour or so is pure chaos, but the kids love the food and so do the few parents who came in to help. We rush to get everyone in their costumes, but before I even realize it, it’s time to head outside and enjoy a little trunk-or-treating. I’m so proud of my kiddos for remembering their manners and doing a good job of taking their turn.

Chayse and Emerson’s trunk is a huge hit. They turned the back of Emerson’s jeep into the open mouth of a monster and are handing out juice boxes. The kids love it and let me get a picture with all of them and the jeep.

I’m so distracted talking to one of my kiddos that I don’t even realize that we are standing in front of Maverick’s truck until I hear him laugh. I whip my head up and see him smiling as he squeezes the life out of Patrick. It literally has me stopping in my tracks and tears forming at the edges of my eyes. Our class is the last to go through the line and Maverick’s truck is our last stop. I’m about to just leave the kids with Seraphine and walk back into the building, but she grabs my arm and stops me.

“Don’t run. You can do this. Plus, you can’t bail on the kids now. You made it this far and are a strong, fierce woman.”

A watery laugh escapes my lips because those are not the words I’d ever use to describe myself. Hearing my laugh, Maverick’s head whips around and he immediately makes eye contact. I want to walk away, but he’s got such a strong hold on me that I can’t. As I watch him, he whispers something in Patrick’s ear and I see him nodding his head excitedly. He slowly lowers Pat before taking a deep breath and heading my direction. I want to run, but my feet are glued to the concrete.

“Hey, Sweets.” His smile is tentative, and I don’t know if I want to kiss him or cry.

“Hi, Mav.”

“Would it be okay to talk for a minute? I have a few things I really need to tell you.”

“I don’t know, Mav. We’re supposed to head back in soon.”

“Just five minutes. I promise.”

Reluctantly, I nod my head yes. We have time for a five-minute conversation, and if I’m being honest, I’m dying to hear what he has to say.

“Thank you.” He grabs my hands and runs his thumbs over them before letting out a deep breath and staring in my eyes. “These past few weeks without you have been absolutely miserable. You brought so much light to my life; it was as if I was finally living rather than just surviving like I’ve been doing for years. I couldn’t even get out of my bed for days because I knew I would still be missing the best part of my day, the light that makes everything brighter and more brilliant.”

“I did a lot of thinking and I need to apologize. Even though I’m over Bianca, I was still letting her betrayal hold me back. The truth is, I want, no I need, the future you described to me. I want to see you walk down the aisle to me, host Christmas brunch with you, have as many babies as you’ll give me, and grow old together.”

His words get stronger the longer he talks, and I can just feel in my heart that he’s being honest. I’m crying, but for the first time in weeks, they are happy tears. I’m also smiling like a fool and completely shocked when Maverick lowers down on one knee.

“I know this may seem fast, but I know without a doubt that you are my future, the one I want forever. Spencer Magnolia Wilson, will you marry me?”

I’m full on crying now as I look at the man that I’m so stupidly in love with and couldn’t imagine ever not choosing him. Not being able to speak yet, I just nod my head yes.

“Come on, Sweets, I need the words.”

I can’t help but laugh at his teasing before shouting, “YES!” and launching myself at him and kissing him the way I’ve been dying to for weeks. It takes me a minute before it even registers the cheering going on around me. I pull away and see my adorable kiddos jumping up and down and realize they’re holding a huge banner with “Will you marry me?” written on it. I can’t help but laugh as I am swarmed by my munchkins who are all giving me the biggest hugs.

I can see my sisters standing off to the side along with my dad. He’s got a grin from ear to ear, and I can tell him and Emerson were also crying. Chayse is smirking which is totally on par for her. As I scan the crowd, I also see Olive along with the principal and several other teachers. Brant catches my eye and gives me a thumbs up and I can’t help but laugh.

The principal comes over and congratulates me and tells me not to rush back in. Sera wrangles the kids, along with the help from the parent volunteers, and gets them back inside. Olive gives us each a big squeeze before rounding up the stragglers and we’re finally left with my family.