Page 45 of Brewing Brilliance

“Nah, not really. Olive stopped by yesterday and helped me muddle through the schedule for the weekend and next week. I’m honestly fucking glad she did because I was a bit lost. She showed me and made me do part of it, but I’d rather leave that shit up to you.”

I can’t help but laugh at the grimace on his face. I know how much he hates all of that and it seems I owe my little sister another thank you. She’s really been stepping up for me this past week and I’m so proud of how well she’s doing.

“So, did you figure anything out during your mental health break?”

I just raise an eyebrow at him because that does not sound like anything that would normally come out of Gage’s mouth. He shifts on his feet before grabbing the back of his neck. It’s usually his tell that he’s uncomfortable or embarrassed and I have an inkling why.

“What? That’s what your sister called it when I asked if you got your head out of your ass yet and when you were coming back. She basically scolded me before informing me that you were taking a much-deserved mental health break.”

I can’t even pretend not to be amused by that. I can see Olive with her arms crossed, hip popped giving Gage the evil eye. I’ve been on the receiving end of it enough to know that I need to make sure I’m paying attention to whatever the hell she’s saying.

“Yeah, that sounds like Olive. I think I’m heading in the right direction. Honestly, I thought a lot about what you said to me the last time I saw you about whether or not I had regrets or doubts that letting her go was the best thing for her.”

I pause to try and gather my thoughts, but the ass just makes a motion to come on and spit it out and it helps break the tension I’m holding on to.

“Give me a second, dick. I regretted it the moment I heard her say that she loved me as I was walking out the door. I don’t even know if she realized she said it. She was sleeping and totally exhausted from everything from the night before.”

“The problem was I didn’t know if I regretted it because I knew I was making a mistake, or if I regretted it because I wanted to keep her even though I knew I should let her go.”

“So, I’m guessing you figured that out?”

“I think so. At least, I hope so. For one, I didn’t know if I could, or would be willing to put her first like she deserves. It’s ingrained in me to always look out for Olive and Pat. And as much as I know she appreciates me and does need my help, I probably border on the line of the overbearing big brother sometimes and do too much.”

“Ha, like signing up for extra snack days at school?”

“You know about that?”

“Of course I do. Little man told me the one day your sister came to pick him up when he was hanging out here with us while she finished her shift. But she confirmed it with a not too subtle eye roll and huff of annoyance.”

“Hmm, yeah, that sounds about right.”

“Anyways, I am definitely busy with this place, but being out for a week after a pretty big opportunity like the festival last week and seeing that the place is doing fine without me here every day to oversee all the things, I realized that I might be using this place to distract me rather than being needed as much as I think I am. If I wanted to, I could hand over some of the things that I do to take a little bit off my plate and free up my spare time.”

“You absolutely could. I know you love being in the kitchen and helping create the menu, but once that’s done, you could definitely step back some. Sasha is a kick ass chef and runs your kitchen like a well oiled machine. I’ve watched you two bounce ideas off each other when you’re switching up the menu and she more than handles it confidently and capably.”

“You’re right. I’m pretty sure the kitchen staff just humor me half the time I go back there to help or check in.”

“Only half?”

“Har, har. Real funny.”

“It’s honestly the same with the bar. You have great shift managers who take their jobs seriously and know a fuck ton about our brews. They run their shifts smoothly and are able to handle pretty much anything that comes their way. They just call you as a default because they know you’d like to be in the know if something gets a little sideways.”

“Fuck, I know you’re right, but it’s hard admitting all that shit to myself.”

“I get it. I’m just glad you’re seeing it now. Burnout is a real thing my friend. I’m all too familiar with it and I’d hate to see you deal with it. So, now that you’re certain about being able to make her a priority, what about all the other bullshit?”

“What, you mean the whole marriage and kids thing?” Gage just nods his head and gives me a minute to come up with my answer. “Would you be shocked if I told you that I’ve always wanted to get married and have a family of my own?”


“Huh, seriously?”

“Seriously. I see you with Patrick. You fucking adore that kid and treat him as if he were your son, not your nephew. You’d be an amazing father if that’s what you decided you wanted some day. As far as getting married, I think any woman would be fucking lucky to have you as a husband.”

“Are you just shitting me right now?”

“Fuck off. No, I’m not. You love being needed and taking care of people. Most don’t see it, but I know you and have seen you interact with women of all sorts over the past few years. You were always upfront and respectful, but you never once went out of your way for them until Spencer. You have supported her and been there for her in more ways than I think even you realize, but she saw it.”