Page 33 of Feel It All

“What questions did they ask this morning?” Graham asks while unwrapping his burrito.

“Hmm let’s see. How big was it was Waverley’s choice,” I say plainly.

Graham nearly chokes. “She asked how big my dick was?”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “I know it’s weird, but we have always been close, we really don’t have a filter around each other anymore.”

“I just need to know if you said all good stuff or if I need to step up my game.” He gives me a wink then goes back to his food.

“Oh, all good stuff…all big stuff too.” I give him a playful wink back, and he nearly chokes again.

“Graham, did you mean what you said about us being together? Is that what you want?” I ask, but I don’t make eye contact with him. I can’t make eye contact; I’m too afraid.

He sets down his food, tugs me closer to him. “Yeah, Winry, I meant it. I want to give us a shot. I can’t say that I will be great at it all the time, but I will try my best. You have been the only girl that I have ever wanted to try with. So, yeah, we are together…unless you don’t want to be.”

“No, I want to. I just wanted to be sure, I tend to overthink things.”

“What are you thinking, Win?” Graham pulls my hair out of my face and places it behind my ear.

“I don’t know, that I pressured you into this.” I still can’t make eye contact.

“You did not pressure me. If I didn’t want to be with you, last night wouldn’t have happened. I know I was apprehensive, but,” he lifts my chin so I have to look at him, “I want this, Winry.”

“Why were you apprehensive?” Doubt starts to fill my brain.

“It’s not important, buttercup. What is important is that we are together.” He takes one of my hands and tangles his fingers in mine.

“It was what my dad said to you, wasn’t it?” He didn’t have to tell me my dad said something to him yesterday. I could tell they were in deep conversation during the game, and whatever was said clearly had some effect on him.

“It is no big deal, Winry. It doesn’t matter now.” He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze.

I know he can see the frustration on my face. I am not really trying to hide it, though. Why won’t he tell me what he said? Clearly it was significant enough for him to be hesitant about being with me. I don’t want to let it go, but I don’t think pushing is a good idea either.

Graham interrupts my derailing train of thought. “Hey, want to hear a joke?”

“You are just trying to distract me like last night.” I roll my eyes at his attempt.

“Possibly, but I think I can do better this time.”

“All right, let’s hear it.” I turn to him, giving him my full attention.

“Why did the coffee file a police report?” He asks, grinning goofily.

“I don’t know, why, Graham?” I fold my lips in, suppressing my smile.

“It was mugged.”

I try to contain my laugh but fail. It isn’t because the joke is funny; it’s because he is just so cute telling it I can’t help but laugh.

“There she is.” He gives me that look again that makes me feel all warm and beautiful.

“All right, small improvement from the first one, but you may want to keep trying.” I go back to my food, completely forgetting why I was frustrated to begin with.

“I’ll tell all the stupid jokes I can just to hear you laugh.” My heart flutters at his words, and my body feels like it’s vibrating.

We finish up our food, and I slide my legs in his lap. “So, are you liking working for the police department?”

“I like it. I still ride with Owen, which never makes it boring, but he likes to make me write all the tickets to ‘give me practice.’ The asshole just doesn’t want to do them. He sticks me with them and calls it training.”