Page 12 of Feel It All

“Right, these are my sisters, Waverley and Wyla. Waverley, Wyla, this is Graham, my neighbor.”

“Oh, this is your neighbor. Hmm,” Waverley gives me a look that says I will have some explaining to do when he leaves.

“Um yeah, I am her neighbor,” I know he can pick up the weird vibes that my sisters are giving off. “So, what should I order?”

“Well Winry’s favorite is an iced Snickers latte with whipped cream,” Wyla replies with a smile matching Waverley’s. They are enjoying this way too much.

“I’ll walk you over to Ivy, our master barista,” I say, wanting to pry him away from my sisters.

“It was nice to meet you, Graham,” Waverley purrs.

“Yeah, y’all too.” He nods at them, then follows me. “So those are the infamous Bennett sisters,” Graham smiles.

“Yup, we are a unique bunch,” I laugh lightly.

We walk up to the front desk, where Ivy and Abigal are, and I swear their jaws drop at the sight of Graham. “Hey Ivy, this is my new neighbor, Graham. He stopped in to get some coffee.”

“Yeah, Winry tells me you make the best in town.” His smile is genuine and there is that warm feeling again.

Ivy blushes, “I sure do, what can I get you?”

“I think I will take the Winry special, iced latte with Snickers and whipped cream, right?”

“Yup, that is it. Coming right up, and you should also get a banana chocolate chip muffin, those are also her favorites,” Ivy says winking at me.

“Sounds great.”

She gets Graham his drink and muffin and we walk back over to the table where my sisters are anxiously waiting.

“Goodness, Win, this drink is going to make me have a sugar high. How am I supposed to sleep now?” Graham says while sipping his coffee. He sets down his drink and muffin to pull my chair out for me.

Do not think too much into it, Win. It’s a southern thing.

“Thank you,” I smile at him, trying my best to not look at my sisters right now.

“I’d better take this to go and let you guys get back to it. I will see you later, Winry. It was nice to meet y’all.”

“Nice to meet you, Graham,” my sisters practically sing.

As he walks out, I feel the blatant stares coming from my sisters, and I notice Ivy is making her way over to our table now and pulls up a chair.

“I’m sorry. I believe the words used last night in reference to your new neighbor were, ‘I guess, kind of attractive.’ Now tell me, what sane person would call him ‘kind of attractive’?” Waverley demands.

“Okay, okay. So I may have not mentioned that my neighbor is quite possibly the hottest guy I have ever seen.” I continue to fill them in on the day we met, how he tried to step in during the Flynn fiasco, and how we chat on the back porch every now and then. By the end of it, Waverley is smacking my arm as punishment for keeping all of this a secret.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Wyla asks.

“I don’t know, because I knew you guys would and will push for me to pursue him, but that will never happen. He works for our dad, and he lives right next door. It’s just too messy. Plus, I just talked about making this an era of me, not me and Graham.”

“Well, we would push because you need to get laid and actually have orgasms this time around. Something tells me that Mr. Guy Next Door can get the job done, and I mean, come on, Winry, the man practically stared at you the whole time you were here,” Ivy gives me a little shove.

“Winry, we just want you to be happy, that’s all, and you deserve the best. We don’t want to see you push it away because it could be messy,” Wyla adds.

“I know y’all do, but I have accepted that with Graham it will just be a friendship and y’all should too,” I retort, feeling satisfied that I ended the subject.

“You could be naked friends,” Waverley teases.

Chapter 7