Page 86 of Feel It All

“Doesn’t matter. I know you felt like you didn’t have any other option. I understand why you did it, and if it is still too hard for you, I will respect that.” He scoots closer and tucks my hair behind my ear. “I love you so much, but I’ll never put my happiness above yours.”

I can’t hold it in any longer. Tears escape down my face. “You make me happy. I never want to be without you again. I want you to tell me all of your dumb jokes, and I want to beat you in every game possible. I want you to call me buttercup, and I want to stay up late with you on your nights off.”

“Come here,” he pulls me in his lap, and I rest my head on his shoulder. “And I want you to write me endless poems and make tons of chocolate chip cookie dough. I want to dance with you under every sunset and lift you up anytime you are feeling down. I want it all, Winry.” He kisses my forehead. “I was so afraid I was going to lose you today.”

I nuzzle deeper into his neck, “I’m here, you found me.”

I relax for the first time in what feels like forever in his arms, feeling safe and at home.


Graham - 6 moths later

“Comeon,Winry,weare going to be late,” I stand at the bottom of our stairs waiting on her. Two months after we got back together, we decided to move into her place. We stayed together ninety-nine percent of the time anyway, so it felt pointless for us to both be paying rent.

“Hold on, I’m almost done,” she yells.

I pace anxiously in her living room, checking my coat pocket for the thousandth time.

“Okay, I’m ready.” Winry walks down the stairs, and I can’t help but be in awe of her. She has on a long-sleeve fitted tan dress that complements her curves in all of the right places. Her hair is halfway pulled up with her usual loose curls. What’s most beautiful though is the smile she is wearing.

“You look gorgeous, Win,” I cup her face and give her a tender kiss.

“Mm, you don’t look too bad yourself. I think you should wear suits more often.” She pulls me down by my tie and gives me a kiss that has me debating all my plans.

“Quit, you little temptress, we are late already. Come on.” I take her hand and pull her to the car.

“I’m so excited to see Mary this weekend. I’m so happy they’re having another baby.” Winry slides in the car. As far as Winry knows, the party tonight is for Mary and her pregnancy, but I have other plans for tonight.

“I know, another girl too. Bless Jace’s heart,” I tease her.

She shakes her head. “You know you want to be a girl dad too.”

“Hell yeah, I do. I need all the little Winrys.” I reach over, tickling her.

She laughs and swats my hand away. “Come on, we’re late, remember?”

“All right, all right. Buckle up, buttercup.”

“Yes, sir.” She gives a flirty wink, and I can’t help but lean over for another kiss.

We head up to Rosewood, and I get more anxious by the mile. By the time we get to Rosemary’s, I’m nervous sweating.

“Let’s take our bags up to the room first, then I think the party is outside,” I say, parking the car, and we hop out.

“It’s the perfect night to have a party. Look how incredible the stars look.” She looks up to the sky, but I can’t draw my eyes away from her.

My plan was to do this in the room where we said ‘I love you’ but I can’t wait anymore. I drop the bags. “Hey, come with me.”

“What are we doing? I thought we were late,” she laughs as I practically pull her to the rose garden.

When I get to the perfect spot, I take her hands in mine. “Winry, when I first saw you, I was immediately enthralled by you. You are just as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside.”

“Graham, what…” her smile is both anxious and excited.

“Let me finish, buttercup. I have never met someone so strong, so capable. You are my moon and all the stars. You are everything I never knew I needed, and now I intend to never let you go.” I reach in my pocket pulling out the ring and get down on one knee. Her breath hitches, and she clasps her hands together. “Winry Bennett, will you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?”

“Yes, yes.” A few happy tears slide down her face. She bends down, placing her hands on my face, and kisses me.