Page 10 of Feel It All

“No, no guys, consider this my loving-being-by-myself era.” I need to be by myself for a bit after this. These last few days have made me reevaluate my mentality. I want to stand on my own two feet better. I need to.

“I love that, Winry. Let’s do girls night this week,” Wyla suggests.

“Yes, karaoke at Bluebird’s Saturday,” Waverley loves karaoke, and Wyla and I do it for her, but we aren’t terrible singers either.

I end the call and decide to treat myself to some enchiladas from our local Mexican restaurant. By the time I make it home, Graham’s car is gone, and for some reason I am disappointed I won’t get to see him tonight. I scarf down my food, and naturally I am still restless. I decide to do some yoga on the porch and then decide to do a little reading before I fall asleep right there on the couch.

Chapter 6


Theweekpassesina blur. I keep myself busy at Crossroads, and Graham and I pass by each other a few times, but we just wave and go on with our days. I know it is for the best, but I can’t help but be downhearted about it. I know his off days this week were Wednesday and Thursday because I may have checked for his car a few days, so that meant he was working this weekend.

Ivy and I take turns leaving early over the weekends, and thankfully Saturday is my early day, so I sneak out by three. I make my way back to my place and start my usual daily chores: the dishes, some laundry, check on my plants. I go out back to tidy up the porch, and Blackjack does another sneak attack.

“Hey there, Blackjack. We need to go over how you greet people in the South.” He starts to meow and rub up against my legs. “Okay, buddy, let’s get you some food.”

“So, do you always talk to cats or just this one?” I jump and scream, startled by Graham for the second time. “Sorry, I really do not mean to scare you,” he tries to sound apologetic, but I definitely sense amusement in his tone.

“No, you are fine, I am just jumpy. And yes, I talk to all animals when I can.” I smirk.

“Hmm yeah, I can see that. Who is this little guy? I thought it was a no pets apartment.”

“Technically he is not an official pet. I tried, but Blackjack is a free cat. He likes coming and going, so I just feed him when he comes around and take him to the vet every October for his shots.”

“That sounds like a pet, Winry,” he laughs, and I love it. “Why Blackjack?”

“Well, he is all black for starters, and my family loves playing blackjack.”

“Oh really, a chief who gambles,” he is smiling again, and it makes me feel all warm inside.

“Well, if you count using coins as gambling, then yes. I am pretty good if we are being honest, I have wiped the floor with my dad several times,” I say cockily.

“Now that I would pay to see.”

“Are you working tonight?” I ask, as if I do not already know the answer.

“Yeah, start at seven.” He runs his hands over his face, then yawns. “What do you have planned for this weekend?”

“Let’s see, tonight is sister karaoke night at Bluebird’s, and sister time will continue into tomorrow because we meet every Sunday morning around nine at Crossroads.”

“Winry doing karaoke. I changed my mind; that is what I would pay to see.”

I can’t help but blush, “Hey, I am not too bad, but my sister Waverley is really the star when it comes to karaoke.”

“Well, I am sad I will miss it tonight.”

We fall silent. So I couldn’t date this man—it would be too complicated—but we could be friends. I could settle for friends, right? He speaks up first, “I will let you get back to it, Winry. I will talk to you later.”

I know he means that we will eventually talk later—we are neighbors—but I can’t help but feel like a giddy little schoolgirl about it. “Right, talk to you later.”

I meet my sisters at Bluebird’s at seven. It feels a little weird being here. Everyone in town comes to Bluebird’s, and I do not want to have a run-in with Flynn, especially with my sisters around. I scan the bar to find my sisters, and thankfully no Flynn.

“Winry!” Waverley yells from the back of the bar, waving. I laugh and make my way to their table. Karaoke is already in full swing; a couple is up on stage now doing “You’re the One That I Want” from Grease. They are not too bad, but they are taking it way too seriously. Karaoke is all about fun; if you aren’t absolutely making a fool of yourself, you are not doing it right.

“Hey guys,” I give both my sisters a hug and kiss.

“You ready to sing some of The Chicks? I am feeling ‘Goodbye Earl’ tonight. I already put our names on the list,” Waverley is thrilled to be here right now.