Page 5 of Hero Unbound

Theo froze when he heard a vehicle coming in. Nobody should be here this early, especially since his coworkers had had a late night kidnapping him.

He recognized the tiny Toyota as soon as he saw it. It was at least twenty years old—held together by rust and bald tires. The same car he’d spotted Eva Dempsey talking to her dogs in last night in the Eagle’s Nest parking lot.

He hadn’t paid much attention to Becky or Eva at the Eagle’s Nest—everyone was used to Theo’s solitary ways. He’d only been there at all because his friend Bear was playing bartender and asked him to come. Although, looking at it now, that asshole had probably been in on the whole SERE training exercise and had been tasked with getting Theo into town so the rest of the team could set up.

So no, he hadn’t talked to Eva Dempsey at all, although he had certainly noticed her. Noticed all the other guys in town noticing her too. Oak Creek was a small town; a pretty, young stranger drew attention.

She was certainly making an early morning of her first day working here. Hestepped back toward the barn so she wouldn’t easily see him as she parked and got out. He wanted a chance to study her unnoticed. One of the many things he’d learned from his parents was that observing a stranger unaware always gave you a tactical advantage—especially if you didn’t know if that stranger was friend or foe.

Not that he thought Eva was a foe. Hell, he’d known her family for at least fifteen years. She and her brother Sam hadn’t been around much since their family lived in Colorado, but Theo vaguely remembered Eva’s wild curly hair and big green eyes over the years.

Her hair had tamed from curly to wavy, but those eyes were still just as big. And had seemed a little haunted as he’d watched her interact with Becky last night.

Which had somehow brought out his protective instincts.

That wasn’t new. Theo was protective all the time, maybe even overprotective. Of his town, of his friends, of his family. But never of an individual woman.

Being protective of Eva Dempsey was doubly crazy. She didn’t need protection. She came from a good family. Theo didn’t know them all that well, but he knew she had a stepdad and a brother who would do anything for her.

So he had no idea why his protective urges were so ramped up. All he knew was the survivor in him recognized the survivor in her. The secrets he kept recognized the same thing…

This woman was hiding something.

He watched as she got out of her car and stretched before reaching back to open the door.

“Okay, you guys, come on out. I’ll get you some water and some breakfast.”

The yellow lab jumped down, but the smaller dog stayed in the car.

Eva spoke softly to the more skittish one. “Hey, Sugar, it’s okay. Nothing to hurt you here. Come on, sweetie.”

But still, the dog didn’t move. Finally, Eva reached in and pulled the black mini-Aussiedoodle to her chest. “Nothing is going to hurt you. I promise. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

She soothed and petted the dog, crooning to it in low tones before finally placing it on the ground. Both dogs stayed right at her feet. They were either very well trained or quite nervous, or maybe both.

Eva continued to speak gently to them both as she walked around to the back of her car and opened the trunk. From what Theo could see, she hadn’t unpacked anything at whatever hotel she was staying. The trunk was full.

She pulled out a bag of dog food and two bowls and set them down. Both dogs ate quickly, but even when they were done, they didn’t wander far from Eva’s side. He watched her for a few more minutes. She was definitely gentle with animals—patient and friendly.

That didn’t mean she wasn’t hiding something.

He decided to make himself known. Staying hidden any longer was heading distinctly into creeper territory.

“You’re reporting for duty pretty early.” He stepped out from the shadow of the building so she could see him.

Her body jerked ramrod straight as she spun in his direction, those green eyes huge. He froze, recognizing the fight-or-flight response, not wanting to make it worse.

“Sorry. Wasn’t trying to scare you.”He held out one empty hand and one with a coffee mug in a nonthreatening pose in front of him. “Becky didn’t get a chance to formally introduce us last night before she had to take off. I’m Theo Lindstrom.”

He watched as she pulled herself together. “Hi. Eva Dempsey.” She gave a stilted laugh and didn’t extend her hand to shake. “Sorry. I didn’t think anyone was going to be here this early. Thought I’d just have a look around. Is that okay? I should’ve talked to Becky first.”

“It’s fine.” He gestured toward the dogs with his chin. “I see you have your friends with you.”

She stiffened again. “They’re mine.”

“Obviously.” Both dogs quivered at her feet, but neither of them seemed prepared to protect her. “They’re not much of guard dogs.”

She crouched down next to them, wrapping her arm around the lab and pulling the mini-Aussiedoodle up against her side. “No. But that doesn’t mean they’re useless. They’re mine.”