Page 3 of Hero Unbound

“I’m a vet tech, actually.” The lie came out before Eva could stop it.

Becky didn’t lose any of her excitement. “I started that way too, then went on to get my VMD. So don’t worry, it can totally be done if you want to go that route.”

Eva knew it could. She’d done it.

Then lost it.

She needed to get this conversation back on its intended track. She wasn’t here to talk about animals or her career. She was here to see if she could find somewhere for her and the pups to crash. Maybe figure out how to ask to borrow a couple hundred dollars.

“So I guess you like animals.” The words felt stupid coming out of Eva’s mouth. But maybe they could be the segue into talking about Sugar and Spice and then needing a place to stay.

Becky grinned. “I guess you do too.”

Eva was about to continue when a waitress brought over their chicken pot pies. Eva stared down at hers, trying to figure out how to reorient the conversation, while trying not to drool. She hadn’t had a hot meal like this in weeks.

Not when every penny mattered.

“Dig in,” Becky said. “I promise it’ll make all your woes disappear.”


For just a second, Eva was tempted to tell Becky everything. Just lay it all out, if only so it wasn’t trapped inside Eva any longer.

Instead, she took a bite of the pot pie. She couldn’t stop the delighted moan that escaped her.

“See? What did I tell you?” Becky’s eyes closed as she took her own bite.

They both shoveled their food into their mouths in happy silence for a few minutes. Eva noticed that Becky kept glancing over at a man sitting by himself at a table in the back corner.

“Love interest?” she asked when Becky glanced over at him again.

Eva couldn’t blame her if she was interested. The man was compelling—dark hair, broad shoulders, carved jaw. He wasn’t handsome in the same polished way that Gareth was attractive. This man was rugged with a warrior’s look in his eye.

“Who, Theo? God, no.”

The look on Becky’s face was so disgusted it was almost comical.

“You just keep looking over there, that’s all.”

Becky shifted a little nervously in her seat. “Because I’m trying to figure out which of the two of you I should approach first with my grand scheme.”

Eva forced a smile. “Grand scheme?”

Becky put her fork down. “Okay, hear me out. You’re a vet tech and between jobs. I’m pretty much the only vet in the Oak Creek area, which has become problematic since Linear Tactical expanded to include service and emotional support animal training in its repertoire and needs someone over there full time—both for health care and general maintenance.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“I need help.” Becky gave her a half grin/half grimace. “Even if you could only stay for a few weeks, it would be such a big relief. If you could take over the care of the Linear Tactical animals, that would allow me to get out from under all my backup work.”


Eva should tell Becky the truth right now. But she couldn’t force the words out.

“Oak Creek isn’t big, but it’s very friendly. I think you’d really like it here for a few months.” Becky peeked up at her to see how she responded to that word. “Or weeks. Hell, I’ll even take a few days if you can spare them.”

Being paid to work in her chosen field—even for a few days—was something Eva thought she’d lost for good. It would certainly help with the lack of funds and would give her a chance to figure out a plan.

“I, uh, don’t have anywhere to stay. I wouldn’t want to try to get an apartment for such a short amount of time.”